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Debug Panel "Not In Combat" and cannot shoot

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Coming back after not playing for 3 months, before my game worked fine.

I use DayZ commander to update. Everything I would like to use including DayZ Namalsk is up to date. I have tried running from ramdisk and from my hard drive to the same result.

The debug panel says "Not in Combat." Am I supposed to see a debug panel?

I found a gun but was unable to shoot it and just got eaten. This occurs in the normal map and Namalsk. I have tried reinstallnig everything from DZCommander.

thanks for any advice!


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Yes, the "Not in combat" is supposed to be there. Once you are in combat it will say... "In combat". :)

The notbeingabletoshoot is weird though. Sure it was not just some simple thing like the gun not being reloaded, you had something else activated with F or no ammo?

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