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Ok So I Want A Bandit Squad :/

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Hey, I've been playing DayZ for months with different squads, been very successful. My group of friends just stopped and I'm wanting to get back on tracks. Any existing squads or just a couple of friends or even a guy by himself. You must be VERY experienced at DayZ and shooting. My aim is to join a team on a private hive, start off fresh and just make it to the top being the biggest bandits we can killing anyone we come across. I hope you like the sound of it. Just drop me a message either here or on skype.

Skype name: tomo.francis

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Once you join a Private Hive, and make a name as a bandit on it, people hunt you down. And most likely, if the admin's a good guy, will roll up in a couple helicopters with his crew and gun you down.

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Precisely... I don't see no problem with that?

Firstly: I wan't people to hunt me

Secondly: I've had like 3 helicopters roll up on my squad before at one time, I shot one down with an as50 a friend shot another with an m240 and the other fled after being damaged by by our spotter with the L85.

Thirdly: They won't have the chopper very long

Fourthly: This is the bandit forums... 'if the admins a good guy he will kill all the bandits' is what your implying... That could be classed as flaming bandits in the BANDIT forum. We don't go to the survivor forum and call you all weak people for not killing.

Fifth: Some server admins are bandits

And two irrelevant things... Nice post count and sorry for raging :P

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Ive set up shop in a Private hive with a few buds of mine. Im currently on day 15 with 30+ murder/bandit kills. At this point after killing a few people in the clan that owns the server and being broadcasted as KoS to everyone in the server by the admin i say bring it on peeps. ;)

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Ive set up shop in a Private hive with a few buds of mine. Im currently on day 15 with 30+ murder/bandit kills. At this point after killing a few people in the clan that owns the server and being broadcasted as KoS to everyone in the server by the admin i say bring it on peeps. ;)

Sounds fun.

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Make your own squad or be friendly and try to get into one.

One I'm in right now, I got into by meeting a guy at Cherno hospital, gave eachother blood transfusions then ran around Cherno together and went north. He introduced me to the rest of the squad when they came on, now there's 4-5 of us.

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Unfortunately that wont happen, i'm a bandit

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Damn,I am sort of new and have not mastered aiming yet,I shall see you all in 10-20 years.

Why the thread bump?

Aiming is easy, I tend to use my mouse and place it where I intend to shoot... :)

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