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Couple of questions regarding servers

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I've got a Dayz server from Gaming deluxe and this is all up and running, 2 weeks ago I put a request in for the server to be white listed so it could be linked into the public hive. Since I put the order in I've had no response on how the process is going. How long does it usually take for a server to get white listed? I've also submitted a support ticket a week back asking if their is anything that needs to be done on the server to help with the white listing process, again I've had no response to this ticket.

I've read through the server topic at the top of the fourm and look to have checked all the boxes at it were for getting the server white listed. Is their anything else that isn't noted down that needs to be done?


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Server whitelisting has ground to a halt as far as I know. Not sure how much luck you will get having it whitelisted.

If you want a more instant solution, a lot of other hosts have existing unused whitelisted instances, so you may want to look into that.

My host definitely have a spare whitelisted instances.

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