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US 2979 Banned after crashing Heli???

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I was banned at aprox. 0140 -8 PCT Shortly after i crashed a Heli, less than a minute after, it said that i exicuted a script or something.. I would appreciate if this was looked at by the admin, and checked into. Thanks. In game name is Axuix by the way.

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As of late it seems that crashing helicopters/jets in a manner that causes it to explode executes these scripts and thus bans the player. I have experienced this myself, as have numerous other players.

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Hey mate,

Yeah this a combination of things, one someone has spawned random choppers all over the map that despite my best efforts I have not been able to manually remove. Secondly DayZ Anti Hax needs to scan for the type of effects that get logged when a heli crashes as similar events are actually hacks.

This has meant that an abnormal amount of people have been banned by DayZ Anti Hax recently.

Please be assured that I'm reversing the bans as quickly as I can (once I have confirmed that the ban is a false positive) which unless I'm really busy is <24 hrs.

Your ban has surely been lifted by now so you should be free to play again...thanks for crashing the heli tho...that's one less on the server ;)

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this crap happens alot to me but i only get kicked from servers from not only the same thing but just simply walking in the god damn woods.

Edited by lXxGODxXl

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