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Need Combined Operations?

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Hey everyone.

so i was just trying to start up DayZ (using the DayZ Commander) and i keep getting various error messages.

I have updated all the things for DayZ Commander and Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, but i keep hearing about the "Combined Operations"

is there something in the "Combined Operations" that is needed for DayZ to run, or can i blow it off and just use the game and DLC that i already have? because i think it looks like a waste of money and time since i already have the games, but it says on the steam page that it's needed for DayZ to run.

please help?

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Combined Operations is just a name for Arma 2 and Arrowhead together on DVD, Digital download and or installed together.

The DLC is only for High-res textures, the assets are already there in patches but at lower res versions [Lite]

Do as the person above said, verify your files.

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hi mate you have everything you need to run dayz it would be helpful if you say what error messages you are getting

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