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I need a friend.

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First off, I'm relatively new to the game. Hello. I'm J. Pleasure to meet you.

I have been playing for a couple weeks now, and have yet to encounter a single friendly. As much as I plead, type/yell "Friendly!" or "Unarmed!", salute, or just try to run, it always ends in an exchange of bullets and (more often than not) my demise. Maybe I have an essence that screams, "Kill me!". Maybe it's all the wannabe-bandit children you all complain about. I don't know.

However, to the meat of this post: I am looking for someone to play this with casually. I'm not looking to dedicate myself to a clan. But someone to roam the wastes with occassionaly. I may be fairly new to DayZ but I am a competent gamer, a qucik learner, and do my best to be helpful.

22 years, PST. Steam ID: bbydbs, Skype: jbrunett45

PS: No Russians.

Edited by Dabaroony

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You sir need a clan and there's a forum category for that but if that doesn't work out get one of your gaming friends to come and play with you.

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I added your steam but can't add your skype for some reason, get back to me soon if you can!

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The airfield seems to be hotzone for friendlies in my experience. I once ran into 4 friendlies in the course of an hour.

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The airfield seems to be hotzone for friendlies in my experience. I once ran into 4 friendlies in the course of an hour.

i ran into 2 before at the airfield but after away they betrayed me, the guns that i found for them stupid newbies

Edited by Candylol

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Yeah you're better off adding friends in Steam than finding them in the game. First off finding people with the side chat is a big risk for Bandits to head and camp in your location Secondly, Nobody trusts anybody in the game. Third, I've made friends here on the forum and others in game that have squadded up with me and we've had the best time of our lives talking in the voice chat on steam and experiencing shootouts. You can find people easily here on the forums if you want PM me and ill give you my steam username and we can meetup and form a team. Im kindof new too.

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