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Anyone willing to team up with a teenager?

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I need a team mate to play with. Just before I posted this I was killed by a group of 3 survivors who killed me for no reason when I just spawned 10 minutes before.

Now you see why I need a team mate.

I also have Voice chat!

Thank you

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Have a Squeaky voice or do not?

are you more serious or outgoing? (not so serious)

How long have you played Dayz?

answering these might help speed up finding your perfect match ~ZombieMingle :P

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Have a Squeaky voice or do not?

are you more serious or outgoing? (not so serious)

How long have you played Dayz?

answering these might help speed up finding your perfect match ~ZombieMingle :P


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i hate the fact he asks for if you have a squeaky voice or not. it's just like me asking if he has a "deep" voice or not.

oh, nice name. it's original.

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16 here. US East Coast. Pretty serious player. A lot of poeple say I sound 20+ so no squeky vioce here. Also, if you want to team up, no squeaky voices and must be completely mature and generally serious. I dont want no Johnny pee pee pants on his dads laptop playing for the lolzzzz trololololol.

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You don't need to say specifically that you are a teenager to get someone to team up with you. Act older than you are and people won't question your age.

I'm 16 and I've teamed up with and helped many people; never once have they asked how old I am.

Edited by Dutch Miller

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