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Teh Durp Lord

opiniom on dupers?

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Whats your opinion on dupers? Do they help you or do they make the game unbearable? (Im not talking about dupers that dupe as50's to snipe bambis)

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You probably know my response from the other thread but i will share it anyway.

Dupers are as bad as Script Kiddies.... people who have to ruin it for everyone else but so nieve they actually think they are doing something good.

Roll on SA and i can wave you people goodbye!

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Whats your opinion on dupers? Do they help you or do they make the game unbearable? (Im not talking about dupers that dupe as50's to snipe bambis)

Yes, you're talking about dupers who dupe equipment that ends up in the hands of another player who snipes bambies.

In this case, you.

Perhaps you should change your username to "Teh Dupe Lord", eh? ;~]

Edited by Inception.

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You probably know my response from the other thread but i will share it anyway.

Dupers are as bad as Script Kiddies.... people who have to ruin it for everyone else but so nieve they actually think they are doing something good.

Roll on SA and i can wave you people goodbye!

Yup. Same. You also know my comments from the other thread. You're cheating. Period.

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Tell me the difference between a duper and a hacker.

They both exploit the game for an unfair advantage that ruins the experience for literally everyone involved, because no matter what their intentions are, nothing good will ever come of it.

The only difference is that Duping exploits flaws in the game whilst Hackers create them.

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it's bad,really bad, specially if you do it playing in a big group, but not as bad as scripting, this is my opinion...

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Well OP are you happy with the response so far?? Im going to leave this Thread open so you can see how the community feels about your actions. Though if it gets abusive it will be Locked and probably Buried....

Secondly OP DO NOT PM ME trying to justify your actions... i don't have time to explain in 3 different forms why what you are doing is as bad as Hacking....

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Secondly OP DO NOT PM ME trying to justify your actions... i don't have time to explain in 3 different forms why what you are doing is as bad as Hacking....

Especially considering I just did explain, and I could go on.

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You still have a chance to 'redeem' yourself (sorta). STOP doing it. Now that you KNOW, you have 0 excuse for doing it.

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Especially considering I just did explain, and I could go on.

Aye i know, im trying to pent up what i really think just now... but it's the weekend in my books so im chilled and i'll just love and tolerate this madness!

You still have a chance to 'redeem' yourself (sorta). STOP doing it. Now that you KNOW, you have 0 excuse for doing it.

He may be able to change his ways... but he has alot of work and groveling to do before he can even be considered for receiving one of my "You done Good" muffins!

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Boneboys, dont lock this. It provides a steady stream of tears for my dinner.

I have heard that roast beef with tears is salty goodness.

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Boneboys, dont lock this. It provides a steady stream of tears for my dinner.

Boneboys is the least of your worries just now... this thread is starting to head down the pan...

Oh and i love locking threads like this or even burying them... OP tears are the perfect seasoning for my "Don't give a damn" soup...

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Locked: I think the opinions of the few tell the reactions of the many...

Yet another Thread for my "Don't give a damn soup"

OP my i Suggest you don't start another "Duping" thread... it will just meet the same fate as this. Oh and no PM's please. I havnt the time to collect more tears!

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