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Andrew C

us 3965 - vehicles gone?

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Yesterday i started to collect atv's on us 3965, my friends ended up collecting a few bycicles and then a bus. They left it at all at coordinates 093:048. i checked it the following morning, and it was all gone. Thought it was a server glitch... So i went back to the atv that i crashed and blow up, where my friend saved me. I ended up fixing that atv (it was destroyed) and parking it out in the middle of BFN. (101)(79), stopped playing for a few hours and then came back to check to see if it was gone. Guess what.... No longer there. There is a strong correlation of vehicles that weren't fixed being left alone, and vehicles being repaired and then gone missing. I wish i did have picks or stronger proof of but my friends have a pic of them with all there vehicles at the first location... Don't have a pic of it afterwards. Server admin abuse or hackers teleporting fully repaired vehicles.

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1. Did you save the vehicles?

2. How do you know people didn't just find them and drive away the fully repaired ones?

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