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Cheese4Gaming Established U.K Private Hive With Green Zone- rMod

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Cheese4Gaming Private Hive


- rMod=On

- Difficulty=Veteran

- Map=Chernarus

- Timezone=GMT -4

- 3rd person=On

- Crosshairs=Off

- Waypoints=Off

- Death message=Off

- Side chat=On

- Password=Yes


- No PVP in the green zone (PVP in the green zone will result in a ban)

- No combat logging (vs. players is a ban, zombies a warning)

- No voice over side chat

Green zone Map


What we are about

Founded by a small group of adult gamers located in the UK who were looking to create a sanctuary from all the scripting, duping and cherno/electro death matching. This server is for DayZ players with a survivalist mentality. We encourage positive interactions with players, therefore we have set up a green zone in the cherno/electro area to give new spawns a fighting chance and all players a place to meet in a safe environment, be it to trade in safety or to meet with others. We also ask bandits to play there role in a more creative/constructive manner than on your average public server, killing a player for no reason at all or even personal gain is not what were about. We like the idea of people being held up by someone for their gear, or a gunfight starting after a failed robbery attempt. This style of play excites us a lot more than sniping Electro to "kill n00bs". We do need bandits and bad guys to keep things interesting though. After all whats DayZ without the fear of death at any second.

We have been up for 3 months now have developed a small dedicated community of fair and legitimate players and are looking to expand our community with more of the same.

Use of rMod

We offer custom bases for players and have a large variety vehicles. We use rMod responsibly and don't add anything overpowered like tanks or APC's




Please e-mail [email protected] with your in game name, a little about your play style and we will get back to you within 12 hours.

Edited by cheese4gaming
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Been a member of this server from pretty near the start. There's a good, diverse player base, some lone wolves, a couple of bandit groups. All in all it's a lot of fun. Only thing it needs is a bigger population, come and join in.

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Been on this server for almost a month now and its the best i've played on theres a good group of helpfull players and admins.

Edited by Pedro69er
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Still need some more guys to fill up a bit, any play style is welcome!

Edited by melvindorf

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Results of the bike race

1st. Spitroast Jerry

2nd. Johny squats

3rd. Winch on foot

4th. Ricky Spanish again on foot, also infected

5th Fernando on a broken bike and at least 30mins after Ricky. This was a valiant effort, respect.

We will be hosting more of the same after such a good response and this time will let you guys decide the next event.

Edited by cheese4gaming

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bit gutted about this. Aw well thanks anyway maybe see you guys around other servers(IF I CAN EVER GET THIS EFFIN GAME TO WORK PROPERLY :@ )

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Guys i've started playing on UK#10 zombieworld its a whitelisted server listed here maybe some of the guys are interested in applying and we could group?

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