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BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

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You and your group realise that no one gives a shit about your hacker group right?

We honestly, do not care at all in the slightest that you banned we just care that you ban people without proof and abuse your powers. You shouldnt own a server mater, maybe you should take the money you put into your servers, and place it towards an education instead, it would do you good buddy. Thats it for me hahah. I have already proved my point, every reply you have made just further proves my point. Thank you and good night gentlemen.

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Well ok then, this is full of painful butt-hurt... at least post some evidence or be done with it...

any more foul mouthed abuse from either party will end up in the thread being locked, if it escalates then be assured i will be handing out warnings for behavior.....

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>1. The problem I have with this video that who ever was shooting the camera should have been dead from starvation around 10min mark.

Have you even played DayZ before? or did you just make an account to talk about the game?

>2. Also you must appreciate that if you hack as a group you all get banned.

Video PROOF that we weren't hacking. PROOF.

>3. Which ever guy from your group was cheating can explain to you guys how it went down.

are you a spastic?

>4. For the record admin can spec any player to see what they can see so if you look dodgy, you and your mates are out to sort out between your selves.

you are an idiot

>5. Maybe next time you should talk to admins before you go burning your bridges.

worthless when admins are brain dead prebs that obviously are plain and simple bad at DayZ

Not sure you are getting the point... You have just posted a video of you guys being banned from a server as a group. Yes we understand you are not happy about it. And yes maybe we do have strict policies about hackers. And yes maybe those policies make us twitchy. But none the less we stick by them to make sure we have hacker free server and troll free forums. Every single hacker thus far has had similar if not worse reaction just like we are seeing here. And yes maybe we should stop and listen to all the nonsence and read all the toll-ware write up. But we don't come here to teach you guys how to behave, we are just here to give you some guidance, and you will correct me that it does not work.

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I have played with Zabn and crew for a while now , namalsk and Chernarus. 90% of the time in TS Zabn is in his own channel log checking and working/maintaining the server/s. Never once has any details come out in the BB channel about other peoples locations, if that is the way it went down with BB then i would leave myself as that is not the style (cheating) of gaming i am looking for.

All of us [bB] have been mowed down in firefights and caught by surprise which i am sure would not happen if locations were given out.

Maybe you should look a bit further into the crew you hang with in game crunch ? can you honestly speak for all of them without dropping into a rage fest ?

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Zabn, you must have dropped out of school at the age of 10, you have absolutely no idea about any type of logics, This isn't the first time that you've so called banned someone from my squad for hacking, Remember back in the day probably 3-4 months ago, you banned one of my mates and i ripped on you hard until you unbanned him because you had 0000000 proof that he was in any way a hacker, and low and behold, once again, no proof just a 10 year olds messed up opinion. I Don't understand how you can say the video doesnt make sense?, What are u expecting from a squad play video?

We all know that your admins are knobs, Baron on of your main admins, Combat logged with a L85 on namalsk. Remember how i went into TS and spoke with him and he said that his "Kettle was boiling", And you told me that he was testing a combat log script. You're a brainless idiot mate honestly. You ended up banning me from the TS then unbanning me 5 minutes later because you knew you were in the wrong not me. You guys are so childish and do anything to get the upperhand on your server. My squad has been playing on your server for probably 1-2 months since being whitelisted. I have not died on my own character for proably 12-15 days, Hint why i have L85/AS50 combo. How can you say that our chars were fresh 9 minutes before the video. That doesnt even make any sort of sense, Mabye if you wanna post that in the thread aswell as the rest of your proof or im just gonna call bullshit.

Next time Zabn, learn to fight ur own fights, dont involve other clueless members that have no idea of what has happened to try and stick up for you because you have no idea how to handle such a thing.

Peace out brah,


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Well ok then, this is full of painful butt-hurt... at least post some evidence or be done with it...

any more foul mouthed abuse from either party will end up in the thread being locked, if it escalates then be assured i will be handing out warnings for behavior.....

ummm...the video is evidence? I'm sure if i was using wall hacks the video would look much different. We are obviously having a tough time identifying the targets, and one of our squad gets killed. If we were hacking we would have mowed them down in an instant, like Zabn claims.

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ummm...the video is evidence? I'm sure if i was using wall hacks the video would look much different. We are obviously having a tough time identifying the targets, and one of our squad gets killed. If we were hacking we would have mowed them down in an instant, like Zabn claims. We have evidence to support our claims, Zabn does not, all he has is his buddies talking shit to support him. I have yet to see any proof that we were hacking, im sure that if were a smart admin, he would have been recording while he was speccing me, and then I can see the moment when I was supposedly hacking.

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You've made you're complaints, you've got your response. If you're not happy then move on to one of the other hundreds of servers.


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