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BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

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This is the website where you would sign up for a white listing for the BaltoaBuddies Servers. Namalsk, Chernorous and Lingor. After getting whitelsited, you need to register for TS and must constantly be in the TS while on their servers, in case other players or admins need to contact you.

Here is where it gets interesting. My squad of 7 or 8 (depends when we play)




Ninja Derpify



BeardoftheManwhore (me)

Played on Zabvn's servers for about 2 to 3 months. and recently, in their teamspeak, Barron another Admin created a channel for us. A private channel. Not long after, Zabn joins the channel and asks us "what we are doing, you need to pay to have a private channel". So we all pooled money and payed for a channel, $10. Not much but still money, we were glad we did this, as the TS can get in annyoing with random people joining and constant notifications. So then maybe 1 week after we have had this channel. We get a notification ion game saying we are not white listed We contact Zabn imediatelly and ask what is going on. He accuses me of hacking, with what he calls "wall hacks" and his description of this hack was. "you were using alt to look around and you were looking at two separate groups of people." Now before we got kicked and accused of being hackers. we were in a fire fight. This is how it went down. Our squad split up. Me, mizzy and Krispy moved out to flank some players we saw north of stary. Paran01d and Ninja stayed in the field to our south. from where on out were were in scan mode. looking for these players. Krispy gets killed and me a mizzy move out to another tree line. after spotting two players. Paran01d and ninja take one of them out out. and at the same time we spot a player and take him out as well. as we are about to kill the other player, we get kicked for not being white listed (banned).

Here is a diagram of the situation,


and here is a VIDEO from one of our squad members who is a you tube partner of this encounter.

in the video you will see we have 2 L85's out scanning and constant team comms telling the others where we see signatures. this "wall hack" is just good teamwork.

More Background info on Zabn:

We know for a fact that he uses admin tools to get player info. getting their map location and even telling others where they are. We believe they spawn items. and we KNOW that they telle around the map. as they have done it to us. Now we wouldn't be TOO fussed about getting banned for a BS reason, but banning us not even a WEEK after we payed for a Ts channel is what I consider theft. We payed our money to be able to have privacy on heir server and yet we are hackers.

Please all I ask is that attention is brought to this corrupt admin who no doubt has done this to others before. I would love for the server to be taken down, or just blacklisted or something. because people will fall for his trap and get conned.

The video explains it much better than my description. Please have a look.

If i have not explained enough, or you have a question, please ask.

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I have recently experienced a similar thing on another aussie PH. After my partner and I joined TS, we were accepted by the main crew including the three Admins. Before long we were picked up by their chopper, had some adventures and flown to thier 'secret base' which included a Tractor, Pickup and a few tents with some goodies in it. Well we stocked up and headed out, the admins had told us that this is our base too and that we can stock up and store up here. We thought we were in Heaven! The next couple of days we split from the main Clan occasionally to do some base expanding. Over the next week, we found so many cars and guns we tripled the size of their pre-exsisting base. But over that last week we had also learnt that the Admins were constantly giving out other players locations, restarting servers to fix vehicles, banning players who didnt hack and definatley using some scripting so that they were resistant to zombies. We started questioning about why they never died (they would die then instantly be back with weapons), or bleed or break bones, as we believe that a game without some challenge isnt worth playing. They became very hostile, kicked us out of TS and destroyed/stole everything in the base.

But I cant complain cause it was a PH and they were a really boring, personality deficient clan of pussys. I could see, that after 4 of the clan got killed by one guy with a hatchet, that they were pathetic.

I totally agree that this is theft, and you should keep spreading the word on BB so nobody else gets scammed.

If you want to team up with a couple of good aussies, let me know - must have a sense of humour and knowledge of military tactics :)

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Plus we have been up for about 4 Months now and do you see any other complaints on this forum, no and we have a very large player base

Edited by Zabn

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By the way for everyones info, 9 minutes before the start of that video the majority of them were fresh spawns according to the database

Edited by Zabn

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zabn does not use admin tools to get positions on players and we remove admins who abuse power, if you were banned for hacking you most likely hacked at some stage. This could be a misunderstanding but I'd rather believe Zabn our server host than some randoms who were playing for a week, no offence to you guys Crunch.

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One more thing, if you think those NIP guys were hacking your location, it has NOTHING to do with Zabn. You could have brought the evidence to us and we could have looked into these NIP guys hacking, as if anyone was hacking you it was the guys trying to kill you, NOT Zabn. Zabn is too busy doing admin work to bother giving out locations like you are accusing him of, it's just ridiculous. He barely even gets a chance to play the game.

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I've heard enough evidence now to know the poster of this thread had at least 1 hacker in his group. We will not publically name and shame hackers or else we would be here all day. You probably also used the hacks to help gear all your friends.

Your friends were removed and banned because it will only encourage the actual hacking people in your group to come back to play with your friends.

That is why you all got banned.

The other clan that were hunting you in the video are now being looked into as I am suspicious of them.

And one more thing, Zabn did not create this community to just try and take people's money, as the amount of money we do get each month to fund our server costs make your 10 dollars look like chump change.

Edited by zsc0pe

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1. The problem I have with this video that who ever was shooting the camera should have been dead from starvation around 10min mark.

2. Also you must appreciate that if you hack as a group you all get banned.

3. Which ever guy from your group was cheating can explain to you guys how it went down.

4. For the record admin can spec any player to see what they can see so if you look dodgy, you and your mates are out to sort out between your selves.

5. Maybe next time you should talk to admins before you go burning your bridges.

good thanks!

PS. Id say Paranoid is sus my self... and you guys are chumps, fully kitted with hax and not just ripping into those nubs near you.

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lol we are all laughing at you Zabn, all of us. Pure evidence, and yet yous till say we hack. nothing further lol. You have already embarrassed yourself. Don't worry about us though. Plenty of servers with proper admins out there. Admins that don't ban people because they are better than them. Oh silly Zabn, when will you learn.

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I've heard enough evidence now to know the poster of this thread had at least 1 hacker in his group. We will not publically name and shame hackers or else we would be here all day. You probably also used the hacks to help gear all your friends.

Your friends were removed and banned because it will only encourage the actual hacking people in your group to come back to play with your friends.

That is why you all got banned.

The other clan that were hunting you in the video are now being looked into as I am suspicious of them.

And one more thing, Zabn did not create this community to just try and take people's money, as the amount of money we do get each month to fund our server costs make your 10 dollars look like chump change.

FWAHAHAHAHHA used hax to get gear. man you make me laugh. learn to play

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One more thing, if you think those NIP guys were hacking your location, it has NOTHING to do with Zabn. You could have brought the evidence to us and we could have looked into these NIP guys hacking, as if anyone was hacking you it was the guys trying to kill you, NOT Zabn. Zabn is too busy doing admin work to bother giving out locations like you are accusing him of, it's just ridiculous. He barely even gets a chance to play the game.

It was never said that NiP was hacking, please don't be an idiot and learn how to read.

Edited by ImCptCrunch

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By the way for everyones info, 9 minutes before the start of that video the majority of them were fresh spawns according to the database

oh the lies, the lies. Please go on Zabn, I would like to hear more. How about you post some Evidence of this accusation? trust me, whatever you post. we have Video proof to back us up. Please just stop, the hilarity is getting far too high. Take what you have and go. Stop trying to fix this with lies.

Edited by ImCptCrunch

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1. The problem I have with this video that who ever was shooting the camera should have been dead from starvation around 10min mark.

2. Also you must appreciate that if you hack as a group you all get banned.

3. Which ever guy from your group was cheating can explain to you guys how it went down.

4. For the record admin can spec any player to see what they can see so if you look dodgy, you and your mates are out to sort out between your selves.

5. Maybe next time you should talk to admins before you go burning your bridges.

good thanks!

PS. Id say Paranoid is sus my self... and you guys are chumps, fully kitted with hax and not just ripping into those nubs near you.

>1. The problem I have with this video that who ever was shooting the camera should have been dead from starvation around 10min mark.

Have you even played DayZ before? or did you just make an account to talk about the game?

>2. Also you must appreciate that if you hack as a group you all get banned.

Video PROOF that we weren't hacking. PROOF.

>3. Which ever guy from your group was cheating can explain to you guys how it went down.

are you a spastic?

>4. For the record admin can spec any player to see what they can see so if you look dodgy, you and your mates are out to sort out between your selves.

you are an idiot

>5. Maybe next time you should talk to admins before you go burning your bridges.

worthless when admins are brain dead prebs that obviously are plain and simple bad at DayZ

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It was never said that NiP was hacking, please don't be an idiot and learn how to read.

You should learn how to read. I know you didn't say NIP were hacking that's why I htink you are now officially a moron. They were probably the ones who WERE hacking, you refuse to listen to logic.

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You should learn how to read. I know you didn't say NIP were hacking that's why I htink you are now officially a moron. They were probably the ones who WERE hacking, you refuse to listen to logic.

It's obvious that Zabn has you on his leash. Give this video to anyone outside your ButtBuddies squad and they will not support your claims, just plain and simple no. You are obviously trying to salvage the situation, when what you are trying to salvage is something cancerous. Please for the love of god, admit that you are obviously wrong. Zabn does not know how to run a community. Or how to read logs apparently. Play the game is added into that too.

god sakes you guys are thick headed fools.

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You guys are like a child who sees a red apple and claims that its green. Thick headed, one minded, prepubescent children


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Still waiting on the evidence that we were hacking Zabn....what you don't have any? well isn't that strange.

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