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So the Makarov....

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If it isn't a headshot instant kill its a server issue not anything wrong with the makarov. I've always found it to be very effective against zombies and it has a very low sound signature. I have even killed a player with one. He got the drop on me as I looted and unloaded a 1911 into me. They were all body shots so I lived. When he was realoading I walked a clip up his body from chest to head and down he went.

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Does Hero skin really have this benefit aside being a cosmetic reward for those kind people that help others?

And a 5% speed boost when running. Kindness pays my friend. And so does holding someone up at gun point having a bandit friend shoot them in the legs while you bloodbag them over and over again!

Edited by Rooneye
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Am I the only one that likes the Makarov to start? I rank pistols Makarov<M1911<G17/PDW<M9SD.

Why? Just because of the way it looks/sounds? Because 1911/revolver rounds are just as easy to get seeing as you can combine them, I always have full ammo pouch slots with 1911/revolver. Sometimes I will find a Makarov first in a city, but I've usually swapped it for 1911/revolver within 5 minutes without firing a shot. Unless you're a city avoider type that hangs out in the woods....lurking... :D

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I rarely find a M1911 early on, and I dislike the revolver, seeing as it is the loudest pistol in DayZ.

Its the same loudness as a 1911, PDW, M9 and G17 isnt it? Or do you just mean it 'sounds' louder rather than you can hear it from further? Either way if you can hear one you can hear the other from the same distance.

But thats an interesting point actually, what are peoples opinions on Revolver vs 1911? I mean there is a trade off. Both do same damage, both have same audible range, the 1911 has 1 extra bullet, but the Revolver has double the effective range of the 1911 (100m for revolver vs 50m for 1911). So do people prefer the range or the 1 extra bullet?

Personally I go for the revolver, but thats mainly because of the way it looks and the sights :D So what about you guys?

Edited by Rooneye

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I prefer the 1911 to the revolver. Its rate of fire is far superior. I don't think the increased effective range of the revolver makes a big difference. You shouldn't be using a pistol at 100m anyway.

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