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My DayZ scenario

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D-71: Civil war in Chernarus happens(Arma 2 plot)

D-56: With the help of US, CDF eliminates the rebel threat

D-54: A patient appears in Chernarus with unknown disease showing symptoms of coughing and fever.

D-52: 17 more patients showing the same symptoms appears.

D-51: Doctors thought it was a normal bird flu. But more analysis shows that it is a new variant of the avian influenza. Doctors name it 'novel swine-origin influenza A(H1N1)'.

D-50: Cure for normal bird flu shows no effect in this new disease, it starts to get some attention from around the world. Some people say it is a chemical weapon built by a government, but nobody knows the real answer.Meanwhile, 47 people in Chernarus have been diagnosed for having the disease.

D-48: 3 patient dies from the disease. Panic arises. Chernarussia warns people to stay indoors whenever possible. Doctors begin the search for a cure. A patient showing similar symptoms appear in London.

D-44: Disease found in California, USA.

Disease found in France.

Disease found in Japan.

The disease is now a global pandemic, and doctors around the world searches for the cure.

Disease spreads in an alarming rate, 292 people currently have the disease, 29 people dies.

D-36: Countries including USA, England, Japan, China, France, etc restricts tourists. Militaries forms quarantine zones. Wars stops, and mankind is now hoping for a cure.

Currently 13942 people have the disease. 5203 died.

D-18: Doctors announce that they have found the cure.

The cure works by making cells that destroys the disease.

The cure seems to be most efficient at cold temperature.

Some doctors suggests further testing and trials but people are more afraid about the wild-fire spreading pandemic.

Worldwide Mass production for the cure begins.

D-17: To quickly and efficiently stop the disease, dispersing the cure in the cloud is suggested.(Similar to artificial rain)

D-16: First cloud seeding attempted at Chernarus where the virus stuck hardest.

Rain containing the cure starts to fall.

Meanwhile, YOU board a ship. thankfully you didn't catch the flu yet, but you try an illegal immigrant from Europe to an Indonesian island to ensure your safety.

D-15: Cold rain continues to fall. People drinks the rain water, in hope that it would cure the disease.

While YOU stay indoors, some passengers purposely went outside to the rain in hope of making them immune to the flu.

D-14: Citizens of Chernarus doesn't shows symptoms anymore.

The cure seems to work, people celebrates.

Cure is now dispersed to major cities around the world.

For smaller towns, cure is injected individually.

D-7: Most of the patients are cured. The world celebrates. Since this day, the world seems to be taking steps to a global peace.

D-5: Few doctors makes a deep analysis of the cure and show some concerns that the newly created cells could be dangerous. The cells seems to have destroyed the bird flu, but it is also spreading through the spine and to the brain. The concerns doesn't get much attention since the cure doesn't seems to have a major side-effect.

DayZ: The cure cells began to take control over the neuro system and the brain. People starts to lose go mad. Only the basic instinct remains. The infected human instinct of survival starts to search for blood, a non-infected blood. The infection happens so quick, the civilization suddenly ceases to exist.

Passengers on board turns into one of the infected, You quickly bail out to survive.You get onboard to a life boat with couple of other survivors and watches the people onboard getting teared off by the infecteds. Few hours later, the boat hits the storm and you bounces off.

You wake up on a beach. The beach of Chernarus.

Then u get shot by a bandit who is bored.


Guys what do u think of this scenario? i know it's long sorry about that :)

The cloud seeding and cold efficiency explains why u can get infected by the cold weather. It also explains why u have to eat cooked meat to avoid infection.

For the last part to make sense, i think u should only start with a watch(since watch isn't that important loot and everyone has it) and nothing else.

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"Doctors discovered it's a new version of the bird flu. Doctors called it the pig flu."


wat?? no that can't be lol.

That's the actual name of the bird flu in 2009.(IRL)

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Some elements are tenuous, but since I've yet to consider a plot thus far, I can't criticise it.

Some devices would need elaboration, but as a first draft, it's strong enough.

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Made me think of I Am Legend taken from a different perspective.

Then u get shot by a bandit who is bored.

Made me chuckle

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I'm really bad at storytelling lol. You're right about that it should be expanded by someone

You laid the groundwork really well, so be proud of that - I think even Rocket would be impressed if he were to read this.

What I'm saying is if someone with credentials in this field were to expand upon it with credible facts, numbers and locations relevant to the ArmA universe then it could be a great piece of lore.

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You laid the groundwork really well' date=' so be proud of that - I think even Rocket would be impressed if he were to read this.

What I'm saying is if someone with credentials in this field were to expand upon it with credible facts, numbers and locations relevant to the ArmA universe then it could be a great piece of lore.


Agree with SupWithThat wholeheartedly...

:D Thanks for your opinion!

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Thanks for that Sup, i will work on improving and expanding upon this timeline, with ops permission of course

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I could work on a backstory with you if you're willing to have a little outsider input into your baby?

I appreciate you turning that down if you so wish though.

I'm working on a piece of fan fiction so it could be integrated...


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Yes, Of course!

You guys can freely edit this and claim this story outline!

I'd like to see this worked as a community project.

You can add or subtract however u want :D

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Keep the good work guys. Who knows if Rocket would make this as an official storyline?

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Im thinking about making every point where possible some kind of news message,complete with description whats happening on the background, some high up gov guy telling everything is okay etc etc. You will have my first draft tomorrow eve good sirs!

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