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Tool belt instead of toolbox & Boil water before drinking

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The problem with a toolbox IMO is that in fact you need more room to store your tools than you would need without a toolbox.

So carrying a toolbox around wouldn't make so much sense. Maybe you'd find the thing you need faster but it surely is not a way to save storage room.

So why not making a tool belt?

This could save you some room in your backpack and you don't have to carry a damn toolbox around.

Would add some realism to the game I think.

Please share your thoughts about that with me :)

Edited by Ernst
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Right now you can just fill your canteen with water from a lake and drink it without any problems.

This should be different!

You should be ABLE to drink water directly from a lake or from your canteen but there should be a risk of getting sick.

Not the Zed Virus or anything, but maybe a gastric flue or something that makes you lose even more water.

Only when you boil the water over a fire in your canteen (or maybe a empty tin can?) you can drink it without the chance of getting sick.

This would add to the realism of the game and would be a great feature.

And if you take water from the sea you should have to distill it with 2 canteens and a board or something like this :)

What do you think about it? Please share your opinion!

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I think the toolbelt would be better implemented as a backpack-like storage item, necessary to carry more than a couple of the smaller items eg. compass or map (which would fit in your pocket)

I can't really picture myself running around with a torch/matches/hatchet/knife/trench tool just stuffed in my socks or down a leg. Players carrying capacity should be less forgiving.

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Ive always looked at the Toolbox as something you wouldn't be carrying around, not with 2 primaries and a big pack. I always pictured it being left at a base of sorts. you could carry smaller items like a screwdriver for object entry, but not all the tools needed for a vehicle repair.

Way i see it, in game your player has only a limited area to play, so would the player not have a local safe area? a base of sorts where he could save gear found and collected? this would be a place where non practical items would be stored like tool boxes, axes, crowbars and excess loot. tents were good for this but with all the issues of duping they soon fell out of favour.

I read rocket is modifying the medical aspect of the game and certain diseases can be contracted by tainted sources, so the need to boil water (Or even sterilization tablets) could be introduced.

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I like the ideas

maybe even show the tools you have collected on the playermodel

if you are able to cool water in empty tin cans they would finally have a real use ^^

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