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Zombie react on InGameCommunication

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Idea: Zombie will follow the "Voice" if someone use InGameCommunication.

If someone talk over InGameVOIP then the Zeds can hear his/her Voice and start to follow.

Same with the InGameChat like the "DirectCommunication".

It make more sense because it is more real then now.

Edited by DaGolem
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I thought that it was implemented ages ago.

Correct me if I'm incorrect...

Realy? It don´t looks, feels like.

I have many "Direct Voip" and no Zombie is start to raging.

They just walk around and dont care.

Edited by DaGolem

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I have had lots of chats around zeds in game (non TS) and they have never reacted, I must have missed that memo, but I do recall someone suggested it and rocket looked at it.

It should be implemented as it would add to basic realism.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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This, along with enforced use of VoIP (which will unfortunately be unlikely to ever happen) would help create a further air of tension.

I'd like to see 3rd party chatware discouraged for this kind of thing to be possible (this and eavesdropping), but what are the chances of that happening, eh?

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Well hopefully the radio addition will add in game VOI. i have always thought other VOI programs offer an advantage over other players.

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The advantage is debatable for anyone other than solo players, considering everyone else who's part of a group or clan is doing the very same thing. I just think it's breeding missed opportunities. (example above)

If there was a call to block skype/teamspeak there would be furore, but I think it would benefit the setting and immersion.

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I hope this feature will implemented in SA. For now I've never seen Zed's get troubled for Voip chatting. Furthermore... it will be great some kind of system that voice volume affects the range. I mean, at now it doesn't matter if you whisper or shout... audible range is the same.

If you found a friendly dude while looting and then you see a bandit in the other side of the street... it will be great to whisper "Mate, bandit there" whithout the bandit be realized of that.

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If zeds aggro towards direct in-game speech then people will avoid using it. Personally I'd like to see a version of dayz (and other games for that matter) that are played without 3rd person comms or 3rd person view. For me that would be the most realistic way to play it.

Maybe in game speech could be made more able to reflect things like distance between speaker and listeners and volume eg whispering and shouting. Would make squad play very tense, you'd have to use speech as carefully as you use gunfire.

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