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So.... Whats now? Is there any sense to play this mod?

When i reading that all post from other player reporting cheaters i see they are still coming and just blowing all up, so i dont see any sense to play this mod for now untill Guys from DayZ make it more safer becuse if theres a lot of possibility they come back on server and again nuke me and other players and lost again all of equipment/etc i will be just be more angry.

I see only one way just wait for new security updates for arma2/DayZ mod,

but also im still waiting to get reply from any admin whats with that characters curently died, is any possibility to backup it? (i just have hope for) and what they will do with that all...?

Ah and one thing, i readed that some cheaters got already banned. Its good thing, but they still can buy new arma2 and make kill players on servers so best way is update security...



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