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Your opinions on the upcoming DayZ foundation build

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I don't know if I used that Foundation right but it's what Rocket prefers the standalone to be called.

Anyways, I would just ask some of your opinions and guesses on the upcoming standalone. Few people here know a lot of stuff in the gaming industry so here I go:

Will DayZ Foundation be released as a soft copy or a hard copy will also be out?

Will ragdoll features be implemented?

How about character customization?

Let me emphasize on the opinion part, I don't need exact answers but I would appreciate if you could link something in your comments. :)

Thanks and have fun in DayZ. :D

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That should fill you in on some details. Much is discussion and speculation because quite rightly they are keeping the development process fairly quiet. With regards to hard copies, as far as i know, no details have been released yet. If I had to guess I would say that it will predominantly be released for download but there may be "collector edition" hard copies.

Edited by Fraggle

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First question: Soft Copy

Second question: Hopefully

Third question: From What I heard, Rocket wants to implement character customization but up to a certain level, like a skyrim type customization in the first part.

I didn't provide links cause I can't remember in what thread I read that but all that was said by rocket, he haven't said anything about ragdol animations but that would be amazing

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I tweeted rocket a few weeks ago and he said it was most likely going to be download only.

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