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Am I the only one? Luck?

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Well, I've seen a lot of guys complainting about hackers, saying that hackers are everywhere, etc.

Even people saying that don't play dayZ anymore because of them.

The thing is: I never had a problem with a hacker. SERIOUSLY.

Never got killed, teleported, or anything like that, and I'm playing DayZ for a reasonable time and random servers.

But I just would like to ask you guys: Am I the only one?

Tell me about you. (:

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How long you been playing? You playing private hives? If so you are probably the only one! lol!!! I didn't encounter a hacker for the first 2 months or so playing and then all of a sudden every time I played I was hacked! That's when I switched to private hives!

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Yeah, I've died to hackers quite a few times. You're just lucky, lol.

I'm on a good run at the minute though, haven't been killed by one for ages. The other day I joined a new server as a fresh spawn in Cherno, within 5 minutes was teleported to Stary military tents where there was a working UAZ. I got in it as everyone else in the server appeared around me and got the hell out of there, running about 3 or 4 of them over and the rest shooting at me. Got kicked before I got to Novy, LOL! D:

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I have never ran into another hacker.

You're not alone. :3

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Sometimes i can play many days without any problems. And sometimes i get teleported (or other shit like this) 3 times in a row. So i think you have luck.

The more players are connected to the server, the higher is the risk that a hacker comes to troll all of them. Maybe you choose servers with a few players ?

A other point is that hackers often troll the hotspots of the map (electro, cherno, NW-Airfield, Stary, etc...). If you play the peacefull survivor somewhere in the deep forest, then you might be more rarely a potential target for a hacker.

I envy you for your luck ! :)

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Around 2 months. It's not much time, but Its valid. I never had a single problem with a hacker, and what I don't understand is: a lot of people even LEAVE the game for that. And amaisingly I am not playing in a private hive! It's public.


Ha-ha-ha-ha. The most of my friends already experienced that. Once I was with a group of friends. After a lot of time playing and looting, we went to our small base, and I left the server. In that exact moment, the others in my group got teleported, with the others players in the server, and got killed! Ha-ha-ha, I think I am really lucky!


Nice! Sounds good! :D

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Maybe they are afraid of us because they are boys and we are Men.

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Yeah, luck.

I run into them ... maybe once a week? Only on public hive and populations over 10.

Not all of them are pricks. Some teleport you to their heli or vehicle and we go have fun. Ruins the immersion aspect but its fun in it's own way.

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Wow, that's bad o.O.

Well, I like low-populated servers, with around 10 ~ 15 players. But something interesting is that I always have been at those hotspots areas. (:


Hohoho. Maybe :3

@Penny Sue

Wow, that's... bad? I don't know but, I would love to get teleported to a helicopter! Ha-ha, kidding, I agree with you.

Edited by #Knight

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I've played everyday for 2 months and have only run into hackers twice, and was only killed once. All public hive. And to think I almost didn't get this game/mod because all I read about is how unplayable due to hackers it is.

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Wow. O.o


Hahaha, never thought in that way...

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For me it seems like as soon as things start working out, some hacker out there gets a little beacon blinking letting him know "hey man, that Guardian guy has been alive for like a week or so and has some good shit! lets TP him into the air 100 ft over Elektro."

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I run into hackers all the time, but It depends on the range of hacks I guess. ON low servers I come accross hacked weapons alot and on high population servers I will come accross people teleporting, thunderdoming (my favorite havn't lost one yet) and nuking. But those are only 30+

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First hour ever playing the game, I met two hack-users, about ten minutes apart. After that, I encountered them at rate of approximately one every two days. Since switching to private hives, it's gone down dramatically, although one particular private hive I was playing on got bombed* really hard and frequently, so much so that I quit that server forever.

* Literally. Chernogorsk and Electrozavodsk were suffering non-stop satchel explosions for hours. The cities were little more than a pair of rubble piles by evening.

Edited by A. Darkthorn

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