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[DZwT] Countersniping: AKM (zeroing) vs AS50/L85 team, winner?

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Timetabs in youtube!

Hey! An awsome and intense battle. An AS50 is raining down hell on Electro. Using careful and considerate counter sniping tactics I move into postion to take my shot...with an AKM (it has zeroing right?)...who wins?

Includes a long range engagement, countersniping suggestions, an armed hold up and all other sorts of crazy. The sanguinary outrage that these snipers insit on performing propells us to one conlusion, blood. Who wins, who dies? Watch and find out! Dedicated to Doctor Wong, you were a friend in need!

Edited by Trizzo
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Definitely great playing. Being careful and tactical will ALWAYS make you win the match, unless your opponent hacks.

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Nice effort :) Good skills!!! I'm no where near patient enough for that!!!

Patience prevails! :P Gosh so many delicous beans...it's going to help when i make my next video, "Countersnipning snipers/bandits with my newly aquired kit"...all i need to do is escape the hills of electro hmm could be short live :(

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R.I.P. Dr. Wong. He died for the greater good. Huzzah! :beans:

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