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Doom Guy

The Stow-away

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So, I play on a private hive ( US 1011) and it has made the van my 3rd favorite land vehicle in Day Z, with the GAZ in 2nd, and the SUV ( Private Hive) in first. Now, here is why:

So, if you didn't know, you can go to the back of the van, and if you ride in back, you look like some sort of knuckle dragging waste of life, and only a bit of your head is visible in the windows. I was in the back, with my 2 friend up front when I heard shots, and the van swerves, and both my friends died. I didn't get out, because I was hoping they didn't see me. They come over, stick a tire on the van, and start driving. I'm sitting in the back, freaking out, telling my friends whats going on. Eventually, we arrive at their camp, and when they are stashing some loot, I hop out, shout over DC "I WAS IN THE BACK OF THE VAN YOU IDIOTS" before lighting both of them up, looting their camp, and driving off with my trusty van.

That's why you should always check to see if a car is empty.

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I had a friend of mine stowaway in a Black SUV owned by the server admins. We then found their camp and set up an ambush along the coast road utilizing real-time surveillance data provided by our stow-away. So besides getting video of the server admins spawning their own weapons at their camp, after we ambushed them on the coast road, they nuked us and then reset the server to recover the Black SUV.

Needless to say, we didn't play on that server anymore. It was actually quite sad, they usually performed admin duties quite well. If someone lost stuff on a rollback because a hacker mass teleported, they would individually roll back people on request.

I guess "Absolute power corrupts, absolutely" applied here.

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Thats a good story. I generally role a black SUV, never thought about a stowaway

"Hes in the back seat!1!!!"

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