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Steak and Potatoes

Ninja Blood Bag Bonanza

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Ninja Bloodbagger Inventory: Must only contain distractors, ie chemlights, flares,tin cans, smoke..no weapons.. Only other items needed are bandages and of course bloodbags.

Ninja Bloodbagger Mission Profile: Enter hotzones and bloodbag combatants without being detected.

A cold Cherno afternoon finds me waiting for a sidekick to log on. HetPuppet is on the desk beside me, looking up with dead eyes. Needing to blow of some time quicker than a hooker in a backstreet i decide to make some magic happen, ninja bloodbagging. Server pop is 44, should be plenty of possibilities, blood would be hitting the streets like dishawater in a seedy cafe, i load up on tin cans and flares in the shops and beat feet towards the hospital. Tin can sam out the windows and finish loading my hero with blood and bandages.

Look out the busted glass windows , slap feet pavement side and prone out behind the church, crossing myself twice i mutter a small prayer. 'Lord of Chernarus, give me the strength to bloodbag the teabaggers, for they know not what they do' A leroy Enfield breaks the silence and direct erupts in confusion and panic..' Friendly! Friendly! ' more shots blow out , this time inside the church. I wait and and hear that two are going to group up near outside the power station then move towards the market. I head East flanking outside of town and spy two bandits , AK's gripped, thrusting forward into the shops, aggro on their tail.

Go time !

Up and sprinting down the hill i make it to the back door unobserved, sidle in and peek into the front of the shops , two bandidos are smashing down the zeds cramming the doorway, a small pile built up at their feet. Over direct i hear them bragging who has the most zed kills, neither of them checking their six. I roll out the rear and ninja a flare at the entrance then step back inside, crouch up behind them. They are laughing in direct now..' We got a noob inbound, probably coming from the school going by the flare..come get some nooby ' I make it to the one near the deli counter with the rancid ham and and start slam hogging blood in his ass . His mate then turns and squeals like a preteen girl at a One Direction concert..' EEEEEEE DANNNNY SHIIIIIIT! BEHIND YOU AAAHHHHHHHHHH! ' He starts vomiting rounds all over the wall above me and nails his buddy in the neck..Danny DeVito was killed.. waste of a bag. I sprint out the back, One Direction fan in tow screaming..' you killed dannnnnnny! i' gonna light you up man !! ' I don't bother to tell him he pissed bullets into DeVito and keep running, the ninja bloodbagger's only true way is complete silence.

He is poppin' shots all around me and i dive behind a house. He is now getting hit by zeds , blood waterfalling out his forehead, i ally oop around the house and get in behind him..breaking my ninja code i yell ' BLOODBAG !! ' and start slamming that sweetness into his veins. He immediately screams and turns and starts spraying me mid bag, knocked out cold i fall to the ground. He puts two more into my body and prattles on high pitched, unintelligble panicky words i can't make out.

The ninja bloodbagger lies dead, another corpse to add to the many.

Video montage coming this week in gallery.....

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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This is shear entertainment. That and I love they way you wrote it. Very detailed and and colorful. Actually made me laugh. Good Job sir you have my beans.

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This is shear entertainment. That and I love they way you wrote it. Very detailed and and colorful. Actually made me laugh. Good Job sir you have my beans.

Ninja Blood bagging... All for one and one for all out of 35 I've had 19 not end in death.

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Dude brilliant idea.... i must get a game with you and Hetstaine at somepoint soon, i need in on this banter ;)

Hop on that dial up and lets slam hog some bags in unexpected folks like a hillside nanny in a turkey shoot.

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Great tale as usual! Yea I agree with Derp, I would love in on this bonanza of blood banter! I am looking forward to the vid!

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Been waiting :) This teaser will suffice...for now

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Been waiting :) This teaser will suffice...for now

I need roughly 5 more to complete the video for a runtime of 3 minutes and it will be unleashed....

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