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Gotta loves me some aircraft...

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Ever fly a helicopter in DayZ? How about a plane? How about BOTH?

MV-22... in the middle of the northern airfield of Panthera, fully operational with gas tank full.

One hell of a ride pursued...

What was your best aircraft experience?

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It was with you in that aircraft.

But I guess I've never flown in a vehicle, nor needed to.

Also, I shot another guy today, he killed you and then I proceeded to brutally molest his/her corpse with bullets.

It wasn't all that entertaining....

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The Ka60 on Namalsk is great. I've been flying the Huey for a long time, and the Ka60 is refreshing. It's bigger and faster, and it has missiles on it! (yeah, missiles!)

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Flying a Huey in panthera trying to help a guy out at the west airfield..

First, the cry for help was read over side chat, so I obliged. I flew my Huey from near the north airfield to the west airfield in a matter of moments. Before I could land, I spotted an osprey around the mountains closer to the ocean. All of a sudden, in side chat, they were saying "Sarge, I've got some bad news", and after that they chased me about 200-300 meters until they shouted in side chat "PEPPER THY ANGUS".

I was raped in the tail rotor by an osprey... Afterward, the guys who blew our flying mechanisms to shit decided to be friendly.. At least for a while. We fixed another Huey, then we went to the north airfield to help a guy out with the camo Huey. After we fix it, the guy who had recently killed me with the osprey decides to kill the kid we were helping 'by accident' with the camo Huey's gun. After that, I get out to get his backpack and his gun to put in the chopper, so we could bring them back to him. While exchanging backpacks, the guy who shot the kid fixing the camo Huey decides he likes my gun.. So, I am blown away by the Huey's gun like the last guy. Turns out, the guy who killed me is a "miscer", and he just plays the game to troll and fuck with people. After my death, I argued over side in anger, then everyone took his side to put me down.

The first death was hilarious, but the second was just plain douchbaggery

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flying the Huey till i ran outta fuel, that was a long haul flight!! so much fun though and still had a lovely graceful landing by the petrol pump in solinichy!!

Honestly though they should add the Lynx helicopter in.... try pilot that thing about at top speed ;)

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The Osprey too, same map and same place too.

6 hours later, a dozen pickups and drops later, crash into a hill. Doesn't die.

We all survived the impact but one eventually bleed out.

Me and the remainder are low on blood. A makarov wielding, helicopter destroying, bambi motherf- could have killed us.

Problem is, we had crashed near a bandit camp. (Southern castle, near Smuggler's).

They had seen us crash. They were coming.

My friend pin them down for a bit and I circle a bit around.

Get behind a rock in the desert with my trusty Remington and a bagload of slugs.

4 kills later, we make our way to the lands of Grey and Pink.

Edited by Bearded McGee

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The Ka is a blast. Rockets and a grenade launcher? Yes plz.

I've flown an Mi-26 on a server as well. That thing was nuts. Sidewinders, minigun, rockets, oh my!

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That time when I flied this UH-60M in Fallujah, I'm not a good pilot since I'm mostly down with infantry work.. so let's just say my squad died because the black hawk was shot into pieces by AA and it was a beautiful, expensive fireworks display for the taliban to watch...


This is not on DayZ

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