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Your Experiences with Other Players...

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I keep trying to be purely friendly as a social experiment.

generally that ends in death or betrayal that ends in death about 60% of the time. Obviously if you are playing properly , ie you mind dying these odds are so bad that you HAVE to shoot everyone to survive. This is the root of the KOS problem.

This game though i encountered 4 people ,one in balotta and three in Cherno and they were ALL friendly after I hailed them stating my intentions . Pretty miraculous. Maybe there is hope ?

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I'm friendly if I come across someone that I've seen chatting for a long while and they still seem friendly. You can usually tell after a while if someone is 'faking' friendly or if they really are. Aside from being entertaining once in a while, the side-channel chat is nice to use to feel people out. Since it's obviously a game, your "perception" of other players is limited. And since this isn't LA Noir where you can really try to 'read' a person, analyzing their chat is the only way to gain insight into someone. I for one, because of that, will not enjoy moving to direct-comm only.

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I know all about the realism in that players shouldnt look different if they kill people.

But I remember back when survivors tended to not immediately shoot other survivors, and that bandits were KoS.

Since everybody has become a survivor, it's simply KoS now for everybody...Too many times have I typed 'Friendly?' and been shot in the middle of typing.

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There are dedicated friendlies, dedicated bandits and then there's everyone in between.

When humanity comes back into play, the in between players will again have a reason to ask questions first, before firing. It wont really affect harcore bandit groups or snipers, because they will fire first anytime, but people who haven't chosen a side, will have to be more careful, if they want to avoid triggering the new humanity effects.

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I know all about the realism in that players shouldnt look different if they kill people.

But I remember back when survivors tended to not immediately shoot other survivors' date=' and that bandits were KoS.

Since everybody has become a survivor, it's simply KoS now for everybody...Too many times have I typed 'Friendly?' and been shot in the middle of typing.


I agree. Before it was, usually, kill bandits on sight. Now, its kill everyone on sight. It seems like even though many people think the bandit skins were bad, we're actually worse off now. OF COURSE the bandits are going to bitch and call everyone pussies everytime someone suggests the bandit skins come back, because the way it is now, everyone is kill-on-sight, just like they were when wearing bandit skin. So they like it. They think its "fair" now. But they really only like everyone being kill-on-sight now because everyone else has to suffer just like only they used to. I think the die-hard-kill-everyone-on-sight bandits are the real bitches, since they are always the ones complaining about the skins, since they want to go around killing everyone yet they don't want to deal with the consequences.

You're tough enough to go around killing everyone? Then quit bitching and wear your bandit marker like a man. If you aren't man enough to go around killing everyone and have everyone know about it, then start giving players you come across a back-rub instead of a bullet.

I've committed murders too, but NO WHERE NEAR every player I've come across, like all too many people out there.

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Mostly friendly. I'd say the majority of people in the game are friendly, but all those idiots that shoot on sight are usually just good people that are paranoid of loosing there shit.

In this games case, one bad apple does ruin the whole batch.

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The only time I wasn't killed by players was the first ever day I played it, I guess most people were still getting used to the game, we got a party of 5 going then my internet dropped, never again have I met someone that hasn't killed me or shot at me.

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if i see someone who looks nooby (near beach, pistol, default clothing and bag) i will usually leave them alone.

If i see anyone not fitting that description, will kill them, even if i had not been seen. I dont task any risks after being killed many times.

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Well prior to the removal of bandit skins my experience with others was primarily friendly aside from the occasional crafty bandit or opportunistic survivor, there were several times when other survivors saved my life or I formed a group with them, however following the removal of bandit skins most I have met have preferred to shoot on sight, now this isn't a complaint as it's certainly exhilerating to get into a firefight. As I joined post 1.7 (I took a short break) I was shot at by all (but one) of the survivors I met in the first day or two of playing and this cost me my life several times (I was'nt the most cautious of people) and alsmo made me resort to shooting on sight, I wont claim to be any good but I did claim the lives of I think four other survivors, however I soon began to meet other friendlies, often in places I would have thought entirely populated by hostiles namely Stary Sobor and the Chernarussian international airfield. Following this I changed my attitude towards other survivors and would more often than not try to help them out, however I also found myself dying a lot more due to not firing on sight and this has left me with mixed feelings, at the moment I'm more inclined to avoid anyone and everyone in the name of selv preservation.


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Before DayZ became so popular outside ArmA 2 community I usually met a friendly survivors and never died to bandits. I had couple situation where I trade with some random guys or give them blood transfusion.

Today I play with friends from my ArmA 2 military unit. We never shoot on sight or with no reason, but people are stupid these days.

Situation: Me and clan mates are observing north from Stary Sobor in All Round Defense. We see a guy running in middle of open field towards military tents. We had no intention to kill or do anything about him, but he could start firing at us.

We formed up extended line facing him and in direct chat asked him to stop and ask question what are his intentions. He didn't respond, but started looking at us. I said: "Do not shoot or we open fire. We don't want to kill you". Friend added: "We have advantage over you and we don't want troubles, it's you call dude". He opened fire first and dropped on a ground dead in less than a second.

We had many situations like that where people think that DayZ is deathmatch game with zombies and collectable loot, not a survival game. Sometime we meet a stranger that actually answers and then have a chat or help him - but it's unique to find a such survivor that wants to talk, not shoot/loot only.

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Today I play with friends from my ArmA 2 military unit. We never shoot on sight or with no reason' date=' but people are stupid these days.

Situation: Me and clan mates are observing north from Stary Sobor in All Round Defense. We see a guy running in middle of open field towards military tents. We had no intention to kill or do anything about him, but he could start firing at us.

We formed up extended line facing him and in direct chat asked him to stop and ask question what are his intentions. He didn't respond, but started looking at us. I said: "Do not shoot or we open fire. We don't want to kill you". Friend added: "We have advantage over you and we don't want troubles, it's you call dude". He opened fire first and dropped on a ground dead in less than a second.

We had many situations like that where people think that DayZ is deathmatch game with zombies and collectable loot, not a survival game. Sometime we meet a stranger that actually answers and then have a chat or help him - but it's unique to find a such survivor that wants to talk, not shoot/loot only.


Hell, I'd run with you. I get DM killed all the time just trying to avoid getting shot.

Typical DayZ bandit picture

Do you mind if I use this more often?

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So far anyone I've met while travelling alone has, at best, left me alone and went a separate direction and at worst taken shots at me. However finding a group (out of game) to travel with was a lot of fun.

I'd seriously recommend joining or creating a group to survive with and be generally distrustful of anyone you meet outside your group. Distrustful to the point where if you suddenly bump into someone you don't know, probably best to be the one who fires first.

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Other people? What other people? Oh you mean the zombies with guns and backpacks full of beans and carbonated corn syrup drink?

Dunno, I shoot them all the same immediately.

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70% of my survivor interaction has been shoot me on sight. The other %30 is mixed with you leave me alone and I leave you alone, and me shooting them.

I remember pretty recently there was a guy in Mogilevka when I connected. I heard him shooting and sat in a bush for a while, but later decided I should investigate even though it was obvious he had some powerful firepower and all I had was a Makarov. I shadowed around the buildings, checking the typical loot spots, keeping an eye out. I eventually decided he'd probably left, so I started looting myself (of course, keeping my guard up and eyes peeled).

Hit one building, nothing. Hit another, nothing. Hit a third, a zombie followed me in, I was forced to fire. After I fired, I knew the survivor probably heard the shot if he was still nearby, so I stuck to the windows to peer outside. Before I could even say, "Is anyone in Cherno? :D" he appeared, coming to investigate.

I quickly went to Direct Communication so I could ask if friendly, but I got no response.

I kept asking and got no response. So I ran around to get behind his path. I don't think he saw me then. He turned a corner, I turned the same corner... he was gone. Wat.

Saw him down the road, chased him, he was gone again. Wat.

Then I just assumed he got the hell out of there and that he had seen me. I was confused, but I figured he was probably not someone to be trifled with (Silenced M4A1), so I let him pass.

Then I had to shoot again. Shit, he'd have definitely heard that. Knowing he'd come, I prepared a little this time and went to the top of a flight of stairs so I could have the jump on anyone who heard those shots and came to investigate.



I see him out the window, he hasn't seen me yet. I pull up my Makarov and took aim in case he saw me up the stairs. I didn't want to start anything if I didn't need to. He started to walk away... Phew.


He walks back into view ("dammit!"). He looks at all the zombies on the floor, then looks up at me. He starts moving around, like he's taking aim. Little did he know I already had my aim.


He falls over in one shot to the head.

He left the game, but I make out his name.

I wasn't sure if he was a bandit or not. He never took a shot at me, and I didn't take a shot at him (until I felt like I didn't have a choice), so I felt bad looting his body. I decided I'd see if his Arma II name was the same as his Steam name. Sure enough it was.

We talked for a minute to confirm he was who I thought he was, then I apologized for killing him and asked if he would have killed me. He then told me that his movement right before I shot was him trying to salute. I felt so bad.

Anyway, this above is why I love this game. I know a lot of people aren't happy with the rampant banditing, and to be honest I'm not either, but this is a different scenario, imo. This is what player interaction SHOULD be like.

Anyway, wall of various texts over.

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Today I was killed in Chernogorsk in buildings next of northern hospital. Coming down the stairs and some another survivor appears at the entrance and shoot three times at me from Makarov. No logical reason for doing this. I had just basic backpack and Winchester gun.

I never kill another survivor and get killed about five times. But from this point, I will kill anyone at sight. There are 2 basic reasons for this:

1: Genius decision to remove bandit skin from the game and make it more realistic. From my point of view, it's just caused the game turned into COD deathmatch style. Even peaceful players turned into murderers because they can't recognize who is the bad guy.

2: In lower left corner messages about some player deaths coming way too fast to be just killed by zombies. That means only one thing - kill anyone or anything or be killed. There are many players with sniper rifles shooting anothers just for fun in these days.

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I really don't like having to shoot another Survivor, but I understand that it's just the way it is now, since we seem to have been abandoned on this island. There's not much to do except survive and hunt. Everyone likes to hunt different things, sometimes it's people.

Really, today I went with a friend to Cherno, just for a laugh. We climbed to the top of the tall building there, and waited. After awhile other Survivors started showing up. My buddy amused himself by shooting at survivors, and I amused myself by shooting at zombies chasing survivors that got aggroed. After he killed the same 3 people 3 times each, someone finally wised up enough to server hop and take him out. Even though I was only guilty by association, they spawned on top of me and took me out too. Lost my M4A3 CCO and 3 Stanag SD mags, and various other great stuff. But hey, I had a HELL of a good time, in my own little way. :)

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its always a hostile encounter. Except one time when I agreed to meet up with someone on side channel. An hour later he convinced another person to meet up with us, and he shot him. It's just too shady, best to avoid all contact. Not sure that I enjoy that aspect..

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Pre-1.6 it was common to ask if friendly and basically my thing was "Don't bother me I won't bother you."

Since then' date=' have been shot on sight every single time I have run into other players. I generally just avoid players if I spot them early enough...


This pretty much sums up my experience. One of the most depressing things is that all the friends I made in my early days of play have quit with the surge of "shoot on sight".

Now I am just running from town to town for supplies and avoiding other players. It's kinda ruined the mod for me.

I have no interest in hunting down other players just for a handful of beans.

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I died in North Carolina 3 a few hours ago. Decided to take an afternoon stroll around the coast on my server utilizing direct chat. Most people I came across were friendly and chatted a bit.

At the very end of it I think I came across makarov bandits that killed a guy just before I got there. They stalked me and didn't communicate so I shot one in the knee with an AKM and left, but it was otherwise surprisingly friendly.

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