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if you guys havnt played on an rmod sever yet than ur missing out, its by far the most fun ive has playing dayz in my past 5 or so months playing it. for those who dont know rMod is a mod for servers that puts basically every gun in arma into dayz, and there are alot of new vehicles. Just wanted to let you guys know cus there arnt many people with it and the servers are pretty empty so go and get it!

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I was wondering what it was and why people use it, I thought it was some kind of whitelist. But that does sound interesting.

I wouldn't mind an Abrams TUSK cruisin' across the countryside...

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I've tried finding both a dowload link for rMod and servers available.. Can you point me in the right direction friend?

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The admin of our soon-to-be dead server just fired up a new server with this. At first I thought it was a bad idea... But I am sold! It adds a new flavor to the mod. Once he get it all dialed in, I imagine things will get interesting.

I haven't played on any other servers since I got the invite to test the new server.

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so why not just play Arma2 ? it has all the stuff in? why bring into a mod more items that will OP Everything and everyone?

You seem to be misunderstanding the point of rmod.

Mainly, it lets servers make changes that would otherwise need a separate mod entity as custom .pbos

It's basically a mod layer that gives servers more options.

And don't talk about balance. DayZ is already pretty horrendous in term of balance.

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No Michael its not like that at all. Sure things are added, but it isn't like Arma at all. (well it is actually Arma with Zombies)things are removed and added yes. It is his vision for his server... And so far I like it.

It is more realistic (hate saying that, but for lack of a better word) imagine if a real outbreak occurred, there would be plenty of vehicles guns, and canned goods to last years! The big guns will be rarer then on the old server. Some guns are being added also, but the spawn rate is small. (we hope anyway)

We are dialing it in removing some things and adding others. More vehicles seems to be needed. Honestly the problem with DayZ is the amount of cars in the world doesn't feel right. We dont want 100's of them but enough that it is not impossible to find one either.

Its his server, he pays for it, all I can do is play it or not. So far I love his vision, and can't wait until it is open for the rest of our server!


Also op!? Lol you crack me up! Isn't everything? Zombies can punch and I can't! OP!!! I know you have your idea of the ideal DayZ, the good thing is now you can achieve it. Rent a private hive server and make it. If you have a community or not will be the judge whether it is good or not.

Edited by Pendragon

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I run Rmod on my server, however i pretty much just use it to add new buildings/vehicles(nothing with any guns that would make it unfair to others)

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