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A hub for trading, meeting and bearing.

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...If you want a safe-zone' date=' make and maintain it yourselves.


Pretty much this. Set up in a town far inland so people have to make the hike which would hopefully keep them from wanting to be killed trying to PVP and have wasted 30 minutes of walking, keep some people on overwatch and force everyone to 'check their weapons at the door', so to speak.

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yup. Agreed with last two posts. That's whats so awesome about the game. The influence of the survivors. There's no greater force to answer to other than the realities of the environment.

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Its a nice idea' date=' maybe rocket could designate a safe zone and spawn some god-npc's with big guns, anyone who fires gets killed by them instantly, maybe.. it would be nice for a "trading hub" at some stage!


Won't work. Imagine a bandit looking in from 500m with an m107? A bunch of guys in a fucking *town* standing around talking and trading. Do it out in the forest, it's already a safe zone.

As for your AI big gun guys, sure, they can take a shot at the bandit who fires in from a distance. Sure. But then lets say one single zombie gets within 500m of the safe zone, or someone has to defend themselves from a griefer? Or even shoot a wild animal within 500m of the safe zone. Do they get instantly targeted by these "ai" guys?

It's just a silly MMO trope, it has no place in the game.

It's not really something that would happen i doubt BUT with any pvp/pve game such as big player games like eve they have a central hub where anyone can kill you but they don't because the npc's will kill you there straight after, i doubt anyone would want to risk dying and yes.. a bandit could zero in on the postition from so many miles away, that would be a risk you take going there, bandits would be sniffing around ready to kill, it still doesn't defeat the point, people either risk it or don't, no big deal, even if they killed someone - was it worth it? i am sure a script could remove dead bodies immediatly and prevent any looting, so it's kinda remving the reward too.

A trading hub will be needed for prolonged life in the long run, better late than never.

It would put some objective into the game, people like "farming" and "looting" a mmo wouldn't exist without it, simple.

AS for the zombie theory, ai can be told not to pass checkpoint, same for animals, this point is irrelevent.

You are essentially playing this game to progress a toon in pvp or aquire better gear, you are not playing to just kill zombies....

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Life is too short in the mod to really require a dedicated tradng place, there is also only so much gear. The extend of trading i've seen is when me and my friends pick in eachother's backpack for food and drinks.

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If you really want to do this, then do it yourselves. Rocket is making and giving us the tools to create our "own" gameplay. We sure ain't game mechanics, but we can keep on trying to make it work. What I suggest is to get to know who is highly trustworthy in the community of DayZ and give them the VIP pass to the area of the Trade Hub that you or your group has made. Have a secret forum and make a weekly post of where the Trade Hub will be. Those who are trustworthy will benefit and gain items they need, while bandits will never be able to trade.

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If you really want to do this' date=' then do it yourselves. Rocket is making and giving us the tools to create our "own" gameplay. We sure ain't game mechanics, but we can keep on trying to make it work. What I suggest is to get to know who is highly trustworthy in the community of DayZ and give them the VIP pass to the area of the Trade Hub that you or your group has made. Have a secret forum and make a weekly post of where the Trade Hub will be. Those who are trustworthy will benefit and gain items they need, while bandits will never be able to trade.


exactly. Get enough people to establish the trading posts, set up a few tents were goods would be stored during the trading, get maybe 10 guys armed to teeth to make sure no wise-ass tries to shoots his way to the goods (or even come to an agreement to leave heavier guns out of the trade area). When you disconnect, distribute the goods between the "staff" so its not left for looting.

Sounds very spotty, I know, but that kind of stuff could be done.

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Player-run public trade zones will never happen with the current set of tools, as there is too much to gain by ruining it and too little to lose by attempting and failing to ruin it.

Simply put, the CZ550 and server hopping will always beat any attempt at fortifying any publicly listed location in the game, whether it be a trading zone, a bandit camp, a militia hq, or even a fortified island.

If you publicly list it, people will come and ruin it with stronger tools than you can use to defend it.

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Its a Great Idea! but i fear its only gonna happen if mods Choose to make a Stand-alone Game from this in future (and i Darn Hope they will!)

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I think having Faction run trade zones would be really interesting, helpful and just plain fun.There wouldn't be any safe zones, so they'd have to watch out for pansy bandit snipers, but having a good amount of players in one area would make attacking anyone inside of it a bad idea.

These trade zones could also be marked by signs and fences. Hell, I bet some Factions would even hire guards to keep the peace and maybe charge a small fee for using the trade zone.

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