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hacker: UK 5555

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just earlier today while medic'ing in cherno, guy named "paradox" rolled in with a military URAL, unrealistically stacked with med supplies, i followed him afterwords then saw him directly in front of me spawn a helicopter outside of the firestation, i was promptly killed and kicked somehow from the server for calling him out on it. sadly no i do not have a video or ss to prove that incident.

then again just 10 minutes ago in the same server i was in cherno and all of the sudden my charactor involuntarily got up from sitting, and began to run around against my will going through hoards or zombies while i was not touching mouse or keyboard. i looked at playerlist and sure enough "paradox" had come back to the server. i immediatly aborted to avoid being killed by the zombies. he then left the server right after. i would have taken a video of him doing this however to anyone watchig it, it would simply look like i was running around in circles even though i was actually NOT controlling my person..

please look into this if possible

thank you

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this kid just came in and did it AGAIN, took control of me and as soon as i aborted he did the same.

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