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Looking for some people to play with!

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I'm looking for some people to play with, preferable with a microphone.

I'm a big zombie fanatic, but this game looks like it really depends on the team-mates.. purchasing is not a problem for me, however I would like to find a small group or something along those lines to play with.

A bit about me:

- Have a Mic

- Canadian, eh.

- Have a forum

- I'm pretty hardcore when it comes to zombies, and FPS, I played a ton of FPS games in my life-time, so skills shouldn't be a factor.

- I can role-play.

- I work full time, and I'm older, lol, my spare times are usually after 6 pm EST, and weekends.

I'm looking for people to play with that hopefully have great communication, and know how to have fun. Please add me on steam or Skype.

BioRage - Steam

BiohazardRage - Skype


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Add me up on steam. Canadian also and I have a mic. School full time and usually play after 6 or earlier if there's no test the next day.

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Add me up on steam. Canadian also and I have a mic. School full time and usually play after 6 or earlier if there's no test the next day.

Thanks for those whom added me, as for you I don't have your tag?

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i can play with you im at school full time im 15 and i have a mic and skype and i am a serious gamer my skype name is Replayandplay

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I heard US70 is an actively administered server that is manually restarted regularly to maintain tents and vehicles. Just saying.

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I'm new as well, im pretty into PC gaming but i've never played arma before, just bought it last night and got this mod, any allies would be pretty cool. Add me at: anthonyzz7 on steam!

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Hia guys im Norwegian guy looking for someone to play with... atm i got some trouble Installing to Mod it selv so u might have some info to help with and yeh im a active bf3 Player in ESL so im a pro shoter:P and love the Walking dead series... so this game mod looks fucking awsome... so im rly just trying to find someone to Share the experience with

Plix take contact if intrested! and i preff Mature players im 22 my self

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Looking for some people to play with!

I'm looking for some people to play with, preferable with a microphone.

I'm a big zombie fan, but this game looks like you need team mates. however I would like to find a small group like 2-3 more ppl to play with.

about me

- I have a Mic

- from norway( i speak english)! ;D

- I can role-play.

- I can play almost all day soo ;D

I`'m looking for people to play with that have great communication, and have fun when they are playing . Please add me on steam or Skype.



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Bzerk... I'm based in Italy but English speaking... just picked this game up yesterday and have had my ass handed to me both times I've tried to survive... lol

Its hard...

Also a BF3 player :) Would love to hook up with someone and try and figure out the game some....

You can find me on Steam...

Send me a msg with your nick and i'll add ya... You online in the evening tonight?

Anyone else EU timezone who fancies hooking up this evening? Have a mic so its all good LOL

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Ok, I merged threads, but you may browse the The Bandit & Surviver threads in the DayZ general disscution forum.

Have fun.

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