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[Serious] Unable to play due to graphical glitches,flickering screen [Serious]

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The current bug that is happening for me since yesterday morning makes me unable to play the game (I haven't done anything special, so I don't know where this change comes from). What happens is basically that my whole screen goes to BLACK at night and WHITE at day. It happens when your FPS goes high, and it basically doesn't want to pass away in my case (thank god I have good computer ehh?) When I start recording with fraps, and it limits my FPS to 30, I can see everything, and play normally, but without fraps, I'm unable to even see ANYTHING, whole screen either goes black or white.

I have also experienced blinking/flickering screen for some reason.

I've got 1x Gefore GTX 670, 8gb ram, i5 3570k

I tried:

Reinstalling arma2

Reinstalling arma2 OA

Reinstalling DayZ

Reinstalling arma2oa beta patch

Turning game on with different launchers

Turning game on with different settings

Turning on and off the vsync

Changing HDR and other settings

Copying arma2 OA from beta to game directory

Deleting registry connected with arma2/arma2oa

Updating drivers, even up to beta.

I'm open for any suggestions from someone who thinks he might know how to fix it, I'm currently unable to experience the DayZ, so I'm pretty sad, would appreciate any help.

I simply have no idea why this happens, I found some video with pretty similar bug, but my is much more annoying, I mean, I can't play the game at all.

Explaination from the video's description written by the uploader:

This happens whenever I look up into the sky, sometimes the floor and seems to coincide when FPS reaches 60 (or wants to go higher). Isn't really a game breaker as I generally don't shoot into the sky for no reason but would worry me if I had 60fps or more always.
Edited by satiris

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Do you have a 120mhz monitor ?

I had to activate Vsync.

Did you try vanilla ArmA ?

Can you please use default text settings, I can't see your post...


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I have 60 HZ

Do you have a 120mhz monitor ?

I had to activate Vsync.

Did you try vanilla ArmA ?

Can you please use default text settings, I can't see your post...


I have 60Hz monitor

I don't really know what vanilla ArmA is, so I'm guessing I haven't tried it.

Edit: it means unmodified, yes, I tried it, I also had the same problem during "Boot camp" when flying the chopper, screen would become covered in 95% white screen.

Edited by satiris

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enable Vsync maybe lol might help if u capp ur FPS

Tried it, still caps at 60, and it doesn't help me at all.

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Go into your nVidia control panel, and make sure that ALL settings are set to "let the game choose" or something similar. I had the same problem, it fixed for me after that.

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Go into your nVidia control panel, and make sure that ALL settings are set to "let the game choose" or something similar. I had the same problem, it fixed for me after that.

I can't seem to find options like these, could you find any picture or video that would show me where it is? I'm pretty sure I checked every single tab twice, but nothing about the game choosing anything for itself.

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enable Vsync maybe lol might help if u capp ur FPS

Do you have a 120 mhz montor, I doubt it

Activating Vsync has nothing to do with capping fps in this case.

If you have nothing useful to add to the OP's question don't comment.

@satris, do other games have the same problem ?

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@satris, do other games have the same problem ?

no, all other games work fine, no graphical glitches or anything

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Going through your post I see you have tried nearly everything.

As BriteLite says :

You should see something like this.

Nvidia Control Panel / 3D parameters / 3D Parameta control / program, then select ArmAII.

May not be exactly the same, my computer speaks French.

Good luck.

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Listen man there are only one way at this point:

Deinstall Arma2, Arma2oa, DayZ, DayzCommander(if installed), Sixluncher(if installed), other Arma2/DayZ software

Deinstall ALL Nvidia software

Deinstall every graphics software like nividia inspector(if something like that is installed)

After that clean your system

Do it with software ccleaner+ccenhancer, tuneup or something like that.

And do it manual: Let windows show you all hided folders and go to the appdata folder, search for "arma", "DayZ" and "bohemia".

After every deinstallation restart your system.

Then reinstall the Nvidia Displaydrivers and restart your system. Make sure your settings are rigth. Do not force AA, AF, Vsync and stuff like that per driver! Let the application decide. Okay the texture filtering can put on high quality(but test the effect!)

Good luck sir

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