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Legacy (DayZ)

[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

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Legacy, the thread text doesn't show with the white forum theme. just saying

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Thread updated, all potential members must go through an application system before joining. Teamspeak is required.

Legacy' date=' the thread text doesn't show with the white forum theme. just saying


Most people don't even know how to use the white forum theme, so it isn't necessary unless we get multiple complaints.

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The image is not ours but a cropped photo of one of the cinematic screenshots.

That's a shame. I've taken a fair share of decent screenshots.

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The image is not ours but a cropped photo of one of the cinematic screenshots.

That's a shame. I've taken a fair share of decent screenshots.

Quite. If someone wants to complain and have it removed, they need to show proper proof that it is theirs. Otherwise I consider it public domain.

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Legacy, in my "Shame." comment, I merely meant I thought you guys had someone with an eye for photography in your group. I didn't mean it any other way. Sorry for the miscommunication. :L

Edit: It's still a really neat image. ;)

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I'm 16 years old and looking for experienced players who want to create a survivor group; I have a tactical play-style and I want to continue doing loot raids, player ambushes and trips to the NW airfield.

Skype: flexeeee

Steam: flexee


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Profile Name: Rookkii

Player ID (Not SteamID): Rookkii

Why do you wish to join the Militia:looking for a steady group a players so i dont have to play solo any more

What can you offer the Militia: a mature player that is willing to work as a team member

Are you a team player:yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:of course your gonna loose it eventually anyway

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:nope

Extra Information: 28 yrs old, live in miami florida

steam ID: washout07

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Profile Name: nothx

Player ID (Not SteamID): nothx

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Going solo has gotten old, nothing left to do really after you get all the survival stuff unless you want to get shot up at the airfields. Grouping up and trying to build something lasting sounds more worthwhile.

What can you offer the Militia: Teamwork and maturity

Are you a team player: I've been competing in team-based games for a decade or more.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Uh sure, lost it countless times already.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Nope

Steam name: friesfirst

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I've updated the OP once more.

Here is an example of a SteamID (Which we do not require.) : STEAM_0:0:12345678

Here is an example of a Profile ID: 012345678 (Usually a string of numbers, find it in your profile by editing it.)

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Love to see what you guys are all about.

Profile Name: MarshallLaw

Player ID (Not SteamID): 12930054 (steam ID is Andone4128)

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Going solo is boring. I have all the goods and 'sweet loot', but nobody to run with who's on consistently.

What can you offer the Militia: Experience and reliability. You will never have to hold my hand through this game. My experience goes back to Operation Flashpoint, so the mechanics and shooting is not a problem for me.

Are you a team player: Absolutely. This game is stale without someone to share the experience with. I do NOT, however, require someone to be at my side 24/7.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: That depends on the situation. If you're asking me to be a human shield and 'take one for the team', a little more of a discussion would have to happen about that lol.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: I've tried the CQF, but they're too large to ever get anything going with. Everyone is always doing their own thing. I'd love to just enter the TS, ask what's going down, and join in on the ops.

Extra Information: I'd love to see what you guys are all about. Feel free to add me on steam (Andone4128) for a 'trial run' or something of the sort. I do not expect you to trust me so easily, so I understand if it might take a little bit to get into the group. I'd love to prove myself

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Profile Name: 10Lives

Player ID (Not SteamID): 9082822

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I would like to join a DayZ group officially.

What can you offer the Militia: Respect, honor, backup etc.

Are you a team player: Definitely, yes.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Depends on the situation.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Never been in an official group in DayZ.

Extra Information: steam: txshermer xfire: eteaser

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Profile Name: Jay

Player ID: 3859206

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I've been playing with my friend for a week or so and we think that joining a group with similar values to our own would benefit not only ourselves but the group. I've read the forums for 2-3 weeks before deciding to play and convince my friend to get ARMA 2 solely for it. I know the ropes of Day Z as well as ARMA.

What can you offer the Militia: I've been playing ARMA for over a year and I already know the map off by heart. I'm also very patient and not one of your trigger happy gun totes, hence why my first life lasted over 9 hours.

Are you a team player: Ofcourse, I can survive on my own but I don't get anything out of it. Playing in a group where not only can I gain assistance but give it makes this game seem much more attractive to play.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yup. You cannot expect to live forever and doing so makes the loss much harder. I know all the spawn points and I'll happily go to each one to acquire the gear that I need again.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: None.

Extra Information: I'm from the UK, I have a Microphone and I'm available most days to play. I have college, but I'm home most days for a few hours and on pretty much every night. I do not shoot on sight unless I am shot at first, in which case I always avoid any player contact whatsoever so that I am not forced to do so. I do not like bandits, they kill for fun and not for survival. With that said, if some one gets inbetween me and the loot I want then I will not have a problem shooting, unless a diplomatic resolution can be established.

Steam: Masaca1

Unfortunately my friend signed up but the confirmation email doesn't come through so I'll post his application too:

Profile Name: Louis

Player ID (Not SteamID):


Why do you wish to join the Militia:

After playing DayZ for a week now with only the one friend it would be great to join up with a group of people that I can both help and be helped by as it would make the game much more entertaining and making new friends is always worthwhile.

What can you offer the Militia:

I’m good with teamwork and also map work if needs be – I’m also patient and can wait or carry out any boring tasks no problem. Going in guns blazing is not my style!

Are you a team player:

Definitely, I find helping others is much more useful than helping myself, by working as a team it’s much easier to accomplish goals and makes them much more worthwhile.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:

Of course, gear can be replaced and I need it just as much as anybody else so I’m happy to share it out.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:

Nope, this is the first group and hopefully only group I want to join.

Extra Information:

I’ve been playing fps games for a long time now and have a lot of experience, I prefer to play more tactical games like BF2 Project Reality so am no stranger to teamwork and helping others.

Steam: xthingyx

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This group is a joke. Joining with them is a waste of your time as it will bring you no benefit to play with these egotistical group leaders.

After joining this group and playing with them for about a month I met great new players like myself and we setup our own base of operations and who would do what role etc. Never actually playing with any of the group leaders, like Legacy, not once.

And being a militia people come and go and we did not have to play regularly or have some kind of set in stone schedule: which was fine and worked. But one of the group leaders of this who goes by the name of ShamE thought this group was dead and no one was a part of it anymore and decided to "leave" and join a different group to play with. Since this group plays on server US 10 it was a natural choice to play with another group on there, which myself and who I played with were familiar with.

So this so called group leader who has admin rights on the group's teamspeak, ShamE, used my in-game name as a reference to play with this other group. Long story short they did not care to have more members and ShamE was upset with me for not being able to play with them even though I already do regularly.

He then bans myself and two other members from the teamspeak that have played with this other group for and I quote, "You are banned permanently. Reason: "Breach of Security on the Foundation and Walking Militia Conduct."" After asking people I know from the group what happened and talking to the other two people that were banned we concluded that this ShamE banned us for being spies.

Seriously? The people leading this group are not leading but enforcing.

If you are naive like me to think that joining a group of like-minded individuals who want to work together and with the community would work, then you're wrong. They are not open-minded, you do not do what benefits them then you might as well go shoot yourself because they will ban you from the group and use false information like calling you a spy to keep their good name.

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I have ordered the ban of you and your associates from the Foundation Teamspeak Server, O5-X was the Official that removed you from our server and you will remain removed from our server until further notice.

I ask that in the future you do not pin the blame on people who do not have the correct access to high level permissions such as these, as stated by the Foundation MOTD: "We reserve the right to remove you for any reason."

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I find it uncomfortable to find out that a mysterious no-name that has no relation to my experiences with the group can just ban me at their whim.

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This group is a joke. Joining with them is a waste of your time as it will bring you no benefit to play with these egotistical group leaders.

When have legacy or I shown any sort of egotistical behavior?

After joining this group and playing with them for about a month I met great new players like myself and we setup our own base of operations and who would do what role etc. Never actually playing with any of the group leaders, like Legacy, not once.

Because, as you know my GPU was dead and was getting shipped back to me. Legacy has business to deal with on his own time and plays with us when he can.

And being a militia people come and go and we did not have to play regularly or have some kind of set in stone schedule: which was fine and worked. But one of the group leaders of this who goes by the name of ShamE thought this group was dead and no one was a part of it anymore and decided to "leave" and join a different group to play with. Since this group plays on server US 10 it was a natural choice to play with another group on there, which myself and who I played with were familiar with.

Yes I thought the group of the original members died and decided to play try to play with the agents, then I found out the things were actually back up and running again with new members and things were back to normal.

So this so called group leader who has admin rights on the group's teamspeak, ShamE, used my in-game name as a reference to play with this other group. Long story short they did not care to have more members and ShamE was upset with me for not being able to play with them even though I already do regularly.

I'm not the group leader I merely help new players and talk to potential recruits. I also don't have admin rights besides move and kick. I knew you and donuts went to play with the agents for and I quote "using them to get weapons" so I did use yours and dounts name because I thought you guys would back me up if agentx asked you who I was. I was only pissed because agent said that you denied ever knowing me or speaking with me even though we had spoken nearly every day for 3 weeks while my card was dead and I was the one you talked to you when you first joined. Also I was cool to go play with the agents anyway because we are in an alliance with them and only found that out after legacy was talking to him about what was going on.

He then bans myself and two other members from the teamspeak that have played with this other group for and I quote, "You are banned permanently. Reason: "Breach of Security on the Foundation and Walking Militia Conduct."" After asking people I know from the group what happened and talking to the other two people that were banned we concluded that this ShamE banned us for being spies.

Again, I didn't ban you the owners of the server banned you. After agentx and I caught you in multiple lies we told legacy and then compared your sketchiness to previous things that happened to the groups, like when we got constantly raided no matter where we moved our camp and when you and stokes attacked agentx camp.

Seriously? The people leading this group are not leading but enforcing.

If you are naive like me to think that joining a group of like-minded individuals who want to work together and with the community would work, then you're wrong. They are not open-minded, you do not do what benefits them then you might as well go shoot yourself because they will ban you from the group and use false information like calling you a spy to keep their good name.

I'm not even going to try with this one. You make no sense at all. I have no hard feelings against you or the others that were banned but after your series of lies we knew that something was going on. I hope you find a new group or go back to the one your were spying for and I wish you all the best.

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I told the O5's of what was going on and they removed you from our Teamspeak server, I followed by removing you from the group for suspicion of banditry and untrustworthy behavior.

Good day, and keep it between PM's if you have a personal issue.

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Profile Name: Tony

Player ID (Not SteamID): 9126470

Why do you wish to join the Militia:To serve a goal that I strongly agree with. I despise any that kill another for any purpose apart from self-defense.

What can you offer the Militia: Discipline and respect for chain of command. I evaluate situations to the best of my ability at all times and respond in the best manner available.

Are you a team player: Absolutely. I strive to accommodate those who I work with to the highest degree within reason.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I've lost many quality sets of gear and I will loose many more. I have no problem with loosing my gear because I understand I will have to sooner or later.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No official groups, just teaming up with some players I meet in-game now and then.

Extra Information: Able to connect to team speak and I play regularly.

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Profile Name:

Player ID (Not SteamID): ownage21

Why do you wish to join the Militia:I am extremely intrigued about the concept of this game and would love to get into this game. It is also hard to find a solid group of players to play with.

What can you offer the Militia: For ARMA 2 I was apart of the 7Cavalry and made it to SPC rank, which is a 1 year commitment. I had to stop playing because of other commitments but I am looking for something similar without all of the extreme tactical realism.

Are you a team player:Absolutely.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I gave up my life several times in ops with the 7th Cavalry and have awards to show it.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:As stated before, 7th Cavalry.

Extra Information:I am free most nights after 6 or after 10 due to my work commitments. Willing to be on whenever needed and I'm always on some type of voice client.

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