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Antibiotics - getting hit by zeds

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Yah so I have actually been thinking alot about how you can get hit by zombies so many times without losing to much blood or such.

One thing i'd love to see in the standalone is that every time you get hit by a zombie, you have to bandage and use one pill of antibiotics.

But antibiotics are very rare.. something that could be done is to higher the chanse to find antibiotics and to make it so that in each little box, you have 10 pills that you can use until you have to find more.

This would make the game a whole lot much harder but common, finally se could atleast make people worry about the zombies for once (the real problem) instead of just the players.

Just an idea that would add a little more realism to the game..

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Not sure which post makes more or less sense. The initial post or the following spam post. <_<

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I think the antibiotic thing sounds interesting and realistic although in reality you need to take the whole bottle of 20 pills to fight just one infection. I think that the Zombies are a bit more deadly now that they dunkey punch you knocking you out lol. Still the real threat are the players hungry for supplies and harware or just killing to get head count.

Actually in a world where everyone has access to guns and such a catastrophy like this one would develope, or actually just any real life threat like a mayor nuclear war or just a natural disaster. would send people into murdering each other for food and supplies. Actually most of the population don't hunt animals or know any survival skills because they think and believe this is barberic or just take it for granted so this are the people that would most likely become more dangerous and the real threat do to the ignorance in that aspect so they would become killers to feed them selfs or their families in need of basics like food and water mostly. Even a crappy vehicle for means of transportation.

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