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EU40 Cheating Admin

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So me and my friends or clan made this our home server, EU 40.

There was abuse of admin by kicking people from the server just so he cant be killed, using his admin powers to find tents and to kill players. So heres what happened at 6/15/2012 7:50-7:57 PM (GMT-7). Me and my clan set up a camp north on the map right north of the big dam and lake. Some people were finding it and so we decided to move. Im sitting in a tent eating IRL and all the sudden a M4 SD gun hammers the tent im in. So i sudden hit abbort and im just only loosing blood. I start bitching in teamspeak how the fuck he saw me and our tents. Im still alive then I alt tab and come back in and it gives me the im dead screen. What he also does is use his admin powers to find people some how. Please, do something about this.

EDIT: The admin name is Dergek

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He also had restarted the server twice before this happened. Also one of our clanmates killed him and the server restarted.

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Please remember admins don't have this ability but may as well be a hacker.

(Except for Kicking, Banning, Configuring and managing the server.)

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OK where to start.

1) you dying was legit, chilling inside a tent with a fire next to it is retarded.

2) Moondawgie. you was booted because you where actually damaging the server. Re-spawning non-stop for 10mins was actually causing the server to fail as you was forcing it to upload the server data to you every time and was consuming massive amount of resources.

3) the server auto reboots during high stress times when its near maxing and it auto reboots every 6hrs

also nice Fsxdrew that you admit to combat disconnecting

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Im sitting in a tent eating IRL and all the sudden a M4 SD gun hammers the tent im in. So i sudden hit abbort

Just quoting this before idiot here has a chance to realize what he's done and removes it.

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So i sudden hit abbort and im just only loosing blood.

Why would a server admin go through all the trouble of restarting a server when all he has to do is what you tried to do?

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Ok, we had a talk with the clan running the server and everything is alright. We're sorry about this issue, being alpha and everything you can make mistakes and that's pretty much what we did.

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Nice Admin

Restart server

i give headshot for the admin and admin start server new lol

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Im sitting in a tent eating IRL and all the sudden a M4 SD gun hammers the tent im in. So i sudden hit abbort


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