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Sir your entire family

Laughingman's Private Hive Bliss 1 & 2 Admin Ban

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I'm getting a BattlEye kick when trying to join LaughingMan Private hive Bliss 1 or 2. I really like the two servers and hope an admin can look into this. My characters name was "Sir, your entire family" GUID bff637d71660973a55781b44e2ad6d35

From what I remember of events leading up to the ban... It was today 11/4 around 1:00pm eastern I was perched on the Hospital top roof in Elektro near the school like I usually do after I find an enfield and a decent amount of ammo. Over about ten minutes I must have killed 5 or 6 guys when someone named "Tom" i think it was repeatedly saying over global that I hack. Over and Over.

Then a player must have logged in and appeared next me on on the roof with a guillie suit just like mine. I quickly shot him and looted him but he had THE EXACT same gear I did. He was like a duplicate of me .... Guille/enfield/10 mags of ammo/same bag. After that My character couldn't move and I thought a hacker was messing with me so I CTRL-ALT-DEL'ed to crash arma and find another server.

Came back later and I was banned. Hope this was helpful... I just found these 2 servers last weeka and I'd like to get back on them if allowed.

Thanks guys

Edited by Sir your entire family

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Yeah i was flying a heli in cherno and i have 2 people that will vouch for me... i got kicked and banned in mid air idk why but earlier then that i found the heli at the nwaf and 2 more at devils castle i didnt think they were hacked so i grabbed them so can i get a ban appeal?

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Laughingman Private hive? I heard that guy was a super wizard class hacker..

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Hey, I personally know that battle eye kicks people for no reason. I was kicked twice for create vehicle, and then again today for add magazine something or other. I never hack on anything nor would I. I am repulsed by hackers, but battle eye needs fixing. It's booting the good guys. I haven't been banned or anything, but it worries me. Love the server Laughing man's private bliss is #1 best server!



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