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Need civilian clothing!

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In need of the civilian clothing, just got (hopefully) hero skin and no longer have any need for camo clothing. So I'll be giving you a camo clothing just so you can get your civilian off and I'll add another camo clothing as well as a pair of NVG's. I'm located in Kabanino and want a quick trade :)

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Ahh! I just lost a pair of civvies that I found last evening. Server restarted and ate my tent while i slept. If it comes back, you're more than welcome to them. :thumbsup:

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It's okay, it was a temporary one. I found a clan base with 7 tents at it, and was doing some raiding and bringing the gear to my own tents on a different server (which are safe). I still have some excellent items in those, but alas, no civvies.

I'm wearing hero myself, or I'd do the cammo swap with ya. Cammo & Ghillie players make my trigger finger itchy, you just don't know how they'll play. At least as a hero, I have the slightest chance of not being shot at on sight. Though, it has been my experience so far that it doesn't make a shred of difference (at least up north).

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