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So im getting a computer with 8gb ram, AMD FX 4100 (4 x 3.6 ghz) processor and a NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 1gb.

Should i upgrade the graphics card to a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 1gb or the processor to an AMD FX 6200 (6 x 3.8 GHZ) to make dayz have a steady frame rate at medium or low settings.


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get a gtx 660 if you can, and maybe a better cpu too, idk much about amd processors so I can't tell you what cpu to get, but I think nvidia gpus work better with intel cpus

Edited by IncognitoNico

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Put your $$ in the graphics card, that CPU is just fine

that would be true for any other game, but for this game I have to recommend intel

and try to get at least a gtx 660. the 650 is pretty weak


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Thanks for the advice

Edited by Sentinel 187

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the system is perfect you just need an ssd and overclock the cpu a bit for perfect performance

arma is not gpu heavy so you would waste you money

Edited by TheDuriel

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To be honest, I disagree with just about every reply in this thread. My suggestion? Take your question about your build to Tom's Hardware.

As for investing in either cpu or gpu: I can't tell you for sure but my gut instinct says the cpu will bottleneck your gameplay. Invest in a 6200, as you had mentioned.

The post about getting an SSD and overclocking the cpu: I wouldn't go so far as to say you NEED an SSD, but it is convenient for overclocking and good for HDD intensive games. Overclocking will help your framerate but if you aren't the type to build your own computer you may not be the type to overclock. There is a risk of frying your system that way.

Source: The fat guy who just built, and overclocked, an AMD fx8120 / Radeon HD 7850 build.

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Go for an intel chip, a 2500/2500k should do you great! If you can get a 660, or 660 ti, that'd server you even better. 8GB of ram is plenty for ArmA

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thanks for the advice guys and because of the high CPU usage im gonna upgrade my CPU.

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Go for an intel chip, a 2500/2500k should do you great! If you can get a 660, or 660 ti, that'd server you even better. 8GB of ram is plenty for ArmA

the website im building my pc on wont let me have an intel chip and this website is the cheapest ive found

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I have an i5 2500k and a 560ti hawk (don't buy one over a 660ti); it runs pretty well. The game is not optimized well at all, so no matter what you get, it isn't going to be an extremely smooth experience. The biggest issue I have with this game is mouse lag.

2500k is a great CPU; your GPU choice is determined by what you consider a playable experience. I keep most of my settings lower so I can get high framerates in cities and in combat (every advantage helps), but if 30fps is enough you can push up the settings a bit on mid-range GPUs.

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im used too playing on consoles so around 30fps will be ok but in the end i will probably just play with low settings.

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The system your building in the original post is fine for dayz, Im and intel man myself but i just built a fx 4100 system 8gb ram and a GTX 560ti for my roomate and it plays smooth as butter

not overclocked at all, I overclocked it and it runs high at 56-70 fps, Arma is unique in that the texture loading system actually utilizes hard drive speed, so getting that system with a 60gb SSD

or a 120 would do you fine. Playability will be good, i found my system to be complete overkill but hey, the hardware in it is worth 4k lol. Get the system you posted, Arma II scales well in SLI as well.

You could always add a second video card down the line if your mobo supports it.

Edited by Anubis

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The system your building in the original post is fine for dayz, Im and intel man myself but i just built a fx 4100 system 8gb ram and a GTX 560ti for my roomate and it plays smooth as butter

not overclocked at all, I overclocked it and it runs high at 56-70 fps, Arma is unique in that the texture loading system actually utilizes hard drive speed, so getting that system with a 60gb SSD

or a 120 would do you fine. Playability will be good, i found my system to be complete overkill but hey, the hardware in it is worth 4k lol. Get the system you posted, Arma II scales well in SLI as well.

You could always add a second video card down the line if your mobo supports it.

ok thanks for the advice

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I have an i5 2500k and a 560ti hawk (don't buy one over a 660ti); it runs pretty well. The game is not optimized well at all, so no matter what you get, it isn't going to be an extremely smooth experience. The biggest issue I have with this game is mouse lag.

2500k is a great CPU; your GPU choice is determined by what you consider a playable experience. I keep most of my settings lower so I can get high framerates in cities and in combat (every advantage helps), but if 30fps is enough you can push up the settings a bit on mid-range GPUs.

As he said he's stuck with AMD so the 2500k is out of the running.

As for the mouse lag - could be as simple as reducing the "mouse smoothing" because mouse lag is exactly what it feels like. Go into your control settings on arma and lower mouse smoothing.

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As he said he's stuck with AMD so the 2500k is out of the running.

As for the mouse lag - could be as simple as reducing the "mouse smoothing" because mouse lag is exactly what it feels like. Go into your control settings on arma and lower mouse smoothing.

I'll give that a go, thanks.

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Yeah, if you're having problems with mouse lag turn smoothing off completely and disable post-processing effects. Both make your mouse input quite laggy.

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I've got an 1090t cpu and with everything maxed I get 90 fps after server restart, 4-6 hours later tho it usually plods along at 50-60. I think people are overemphasizing intel > amd for arma 2.

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660 will be perfect, thats what Im getting, great price for a great card!

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