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HisDudeness (DayZ)

Totally confused about something that happened.

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So, I finally started playing this game yesterday. After a few deaths I got off to an okayish start. I found a cold dead corpse with a motherlode of stuff at the power station on the outskirts of Electro (GPS, AS50, NV, Backpack, you name it), and strangely enough no players shooting at me while looting it. I did manage to die regardless though, since I in some way managed to break a leg through just crawling around. I bandaged myself and thought I'd be ok until a friend that have been playing longer than me came over to give me an injection to get me on my legs again. So, I just laid there (up the first ladder to get up the high tower), totally still, half covered by the corpse I just looted, hoping any prospective bandit would just figure me for dead at first look, letting me put a few bullets in him if he climbed the ladder. Unfortunately, I was at low health and started passing out now and again, and of course a zed choose one of those moments of unconciousness to climb the ladder, me helpless to stop him killing me and supposedly feasting on my entrails.

Anyways, we still agreed to meet up by the powerplant, that loot was too tasty to let lie. I spawned somewhere far up the east coast, the name of the place eludes me, but I started trekking in the direction I thought was towards Electro. I had a good run, and was set with both a Winchester, a 1911, ammo for both, and basic survival stuff to last me quite a while within 20 or so minutes. Then, when running on the slope of a forested hill, I hit another minor motherlode. A truck in prime condition, plenty of fuel, and quite a few decent sets of gear in the hold. I might not be a bandit, but be free to call me a dirty thief, that one was just too good to pass up. If nothing else it would get me to Electro that much quicker.

I started driving, and my mate got bandit company at the powerplant while I was on the road. He managed to dispatch both though, and suddenly we had even more loot, it was lucky I found the truck! We managed to load all of it into the truck, taking turns to cover each other, then rode into the sunset, hiding the truck on a heavily forested hill quite a ways to the north, the position being hid as good as possible against casual looters travelling close to the roads. Then we logged off (I laid down under cover of a nice big pinetree ofc) and called it a night.

It's when I logged on to the next day to check if someone already had managed to steal the stolen truck that the weird starts. It was night on the server where we hid the truck, and my mate had of course nabbed the night vision we looted. I looked around a bit in the pitch black trying to get my bearings, when suddenly my leg broke, before I even had managed to turn on my flashlight. I just started to think: "Great! That glitch AGAIN!" when someone typed "there's nightvision and morph in your backpack" in local. I kind of froze, managing to type out an "ok" before first bandaging my bleeding and fixing my leg, then struggling to get my backpack open and get the NV on (I'm still kinda new at this, remember). Whoever wrote that managed to get out a more insistent "there's NV in your backpack!" before I finally got it on. I did *NOT* recognize the place I found myself on as the same place I logged out at. Either someone had managed to deforest the whole hill in some way, or it was a different place alltogether. There was no truck there of course, but instead there was an ATV right next to me. I started talking and asking questions in local chat, still lying down as I figured that the smart move to do. No answer of course, my mysterious benefactor had seemingly either hightailed it out through means legit or otherwise, or logged.

I was short of time at the moment, and had to log after a little while of waiting. Now, the server is down, and has been for a while, so I can't go back to check if it was all a weird dream or some shit.

But I wanna know... WTF happened? Did I enter the twilight zone for a moment of my fledgling DayZ time? Any theories welcome.

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It was a friendly hacker for sure, he probably had invisibilityhack on and spawned in vehicles for you.

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Give him my phone # next time you see him.

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Im jelly, any encounters I"ve had with hackers has always resulted in my characters death. Wish I could come across some nice hackers that give me stuff lol. :)

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probs a hacker teleported u. This happened to me i was running around and a 'nice hacker' killed me. Then when i respawned, he spawned next to me in a car and told me to get in. I got in and we teleported somewhere else. He gave me everything i needed and much more, including a hacked gun. I dropped the hacked gun, but i kept the AS50 and nvgs and ammo for it and the legit stuff.

Some people r nice and some arnt its the way of things

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