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To the gentleman on the Panthera airfield this morning...

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Dear Sir,

I consider it most rude for a chap to pop around a garden shed and open a conversation with an AK47. I spilled my coffee, and the boar which I had been stalking got clean away.

Lucky for me it isn't grouse season you young bounder! I'll bet that the slugs good old bessy gave you were an unwelcome surprise; made a dashed bad mess of the front of your hacking jacket, that's for jolly certain.

As a good church- going fellow, I'm sure you'll be happy to know I made sure to bury your body with all your now otherworldly goods. Better luck next incarnation,

Ever your servant,


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This proves that a gentlemanly role-playing server needs to happen. Like fucking now.

And a pirate one.

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