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SWABS 300+ Vehicles | Custom Crash Sites | 24/7 Daylight | Starter Gear | Veteran | 99% Hacker Free

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Hey friend, fellow admin from another server here. Got some info for you:

  • Assuming your resetting time using your servers system clock, stop it right now. This messes with logs and various things in your database can go wonky if you mess with that time/day too much. Manage your daytime by forcing it via mission.pbo or server.pbo modifications. Especially if your running Bliss this shouldn't be very difficult and wont break anything. Manually changing the system time can cause a lot of problems. The least of which is making logs harder to read. Lots of issues can occur in the database and relevant cleanup scripts and so on. Do it with pbo edits instead and it wont cause problems.
  • Don't rock 150+ vehicles or 300+ vehicles or whichever it is. I know it sounds fun but the issue is that if there are a lot of vehicles active on the server at the same time you will get serverwide desync problems. I can't understate this enough. It is no fun at all when every player on the server has red bars for 30 seconds, then 5 seconds of ok gameplay, then yellow/red bars on every player again. Better server hardware wont make any difference with this problem, its related to the server software. The best alternative is to have like 500+ possible spawn points with a global vehicle cap of 100 or less. Give the spawn points lower odds so vehicles spawn in a staggered somewhat random fashion every restart across all spawns. This will also increase playability for your players (because they will be finding new spawn points for a long time).
  • Enabling crosshairs also enables the scroll wheel-rangefinder and it also enables mouse-over-player nametag display. This is a veteran server, just my recommendation that you disable them and tell people to aim down their gun sights (right click).
  • Don't advertise 99% hacker free (we whitelist at BMRF and we can't even claim that). Just advertise that you have a lot of active admins policing the server.
  • Warn people about walking into debug land. As long as you got Gotcha Anticheat, if a player walks off the map they will be teleported up into the air and die as a result.
  • (more of a suggestion here) get a website or forums online. There are many different kinds of forum software out there you can use that are completely free.

You can't get globally banned for actions on a private hive server. You are globally banned for something you did somewhere else or you downloaded something which stole your cdkey and a hacker got you globally banned - you don't have to try and download hacks to get your cd-key stolen either it could've been any number of things. Some installers for Lingor island stole cd keys at one point.

1.) The server time is set by HFB 0-24, it is set to 12 and restarts to 12 when the server restarts, doesn't effect loot at all or syncing. The old method did that's why they changed their database.

2.) Never had any problems with the server due to vehicles, the script that I use it provided by HFB to work on their server, and all of the vehicles on the map are from their database. So no problems there also.

3.) Cross hairs are on, name tags are not on at all, you can join in game and see if you like, they are all options in the HFB configs.

4.) The server was 99% hacker free when this post was made, all available aimjunkie / thisgamesux menus were disabled and all public scripts were disabled, the 1% of the hackers that actually made their own bypass and custom scripts could hack a little. We ran a custom program designed by my admin from Norway, all hack menus were disabled on startup, if you had a hacked weapon you were locked into place, you couldn't teleport even without setpos, the pop can trick wouldn't even work. So yes the server was 99% hacker free when I had my admin from Norway, he quit I believe though.

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Need to review your logs last 30mins before this post and ban the hacker.

Edited by AtomQuark

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Could go into further detail about your custom crash sites?

Also, what types of weaponry are available? Standard dayz or are all Arma2 weapons available?

Thanks, take care

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1.) The server time is set by HFB 0-24, it is set to 12 and restarts to 12 when the server restarts, doesn't effect loot at all or syncing. The old method did that's why they changed their database.

2.) Never had any problems with the server due to vehicles, the script that I use it provided by HFB to work on their server, and all of the vehicles on the map are from their database. So no problems there also.

3.) Cross hairs are on, name tags are not on at all, you can join in game and see if you like, they are all options in the HFB configs.

4.) The server was 99% hacker free when this post was made, all available aimjunkie / thisgamesux menus were disabled and all public scripts were disabled, the 1% of the hackers that actually made their own bypass and custom scripts could hack a little. We ran a custom program designed by my admin from Norway, all hack menus were disabled on startup, if you had a hacked weapon you were locked into place, you couldn't teleport even without setpos, the pop can trick wouldn't even work. So yes the server was 99% hacker free when I had my admin from Norway, he quit I believe though.

2) You will have problems when you have many players driving vehicles at the same time - especially multiple helicopters can and will cause mass server-wide desync. This is due to limitations in Arma 2. Atomic Gaming used to suffer these issues before I moved over to BMRF. Also many other servers suffer from it as well. Most notably multiple helis in the air seem to cause it the most often if the server is full. Active vehicles in general can cause it. The more active vehicles combined with more loaded objects on the map can cause various sync issues. Again this is a limitation of Arma 2.

3) HFB? Anyway, with the arma and bliss configs, if crosshairs are on you can move your mousehweel over a player and get a name and range printout on screen just saying.

Nice server.

Edited by Mrdk

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2) You will have problems when you have many players driving vehicles at the same time - especially multiple helicopters can and will cause mass server-wide desync. This is due to limitations in Arma 2. Atomic Gaming used to suffer these issues before I moved over to BMRF. Also many other servers suffer from it as well. Most notably multiple helis in the air seem to cause it the most often if the server is full. Active vehicles in general can cause it. The more active vehicles combined with more loaded objects on the map can cause various sync issues. Again this is a limitation of Arma 2.

3) HFB? Anyway, with the arma and bliss configs, if crosshairs are on you can move your mousehweel over a player and get a name and range printout on screen just saying.

Nice server.

2.) I've never had problems

3.) HFB is my host,cross hairs are on, name tags aren't at all. Log on and look before you post again

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