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Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

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I found a way to out smart the bandits... once I'm getting shot at' date=' I disconnect from the server (very quickly) and reconnect to another server... I heal myself & move out of the danger zone! I've done it about 6-8 times now and it works. Just make sure you're always moving so you won't get a headshot on you!

There are loopholes for everything in this world!

P.S. One thing the developers should do is to put in the chat status how (who or what kill him/her) a player dies

example: "PlayerX was killed by PlayerY" or "PlayerX was killed by zombies"... that way everyone on the server knows that PlayerY is bandit.


One thing the developers should do is ban exploiting carebears like you.

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With the way the game is going' date=' the developer should just remove the zombies and add more players to the servers. Then rename it "Free4All Day" LOL!

I found a way to out smart the bandits... once I'm getting shot at, I disconnect from the server (very quickly) and reconnect to another server... I heal myself & move out of the danger zone! I've done it about 6-8 times now and it works. Just make sure you're always moving so you won't get a headshot on you!

There are loopholes for everything in this world!

P.S. One thing the developers should do is to put in the chat status how (who or what kill him/her) a player dies

example: "PlayerX was killed by PlayerY" or "PlayerX was killed by zombies"... that way everyone on the server knows that PlayerY is bandit.


Gz on being one of the biggest pussies in the game. If you're being shot at, stay there and take it or shoot back. Players who just disconnect are lowest of the low.

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One thing the developers should do is to put in the chat status how (who or what kill him/her) a player dies

example: "PlayerX was killed by PlayerY"

I believe this is a server option.

I also believe it is a horrible idea.

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One thing the developers should do is ban exploiting carebears like you.

Ya ok and having some moron lying on a hill or on the roof of the Air Control Tower sniping everyone that happens by, is not an exploit.... PLEEEEASE... gimme a break.

Here is an example of exploit my friend.

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One thing the developers should do is ban exploiting carebears like you.

Ya ok and having some moron lying on a hill or on the roof of the Air Control Tower sniping everyone that happens by' date=' is not an exploit.... PLEEEEASE... gimme a break.


How is using one of the most basic game mechanics an exploit? If you don't like being killed by players, go play Fallout and stop ruining the experience for everybody else.

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Well after spending hours creeping a crawling around selectively shooting zombies and helping other decent players out with supplies, I wouldn't give those lazy ******** the satisfaction of stealing my stuff, I'd rather give my gear to someone that needs it and jump off a building, than to die by the hands of a selfish *****.

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One thing the developers should do is ban exploiting carebears like you.

Ya ok and having some moron lying on a hill or on the roof of the Air Control Tower sniping everyone that happens by' date=' is not an exploit.... PLEEEEASE... gimme a break.

Here is an example of exploit my friend.


I don't think you know what the word "exploit" means. Please do us all (and yourself) a favour and realize this just isn't the mod for you.

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I don't??? All I was saying is, I'd rather die by any means other than, some random player shooting everyone his sees and not exploring the map for him/her self...

I've noticed that most of the moronic bandits just hang around a particular spot (be it a town or the real pvp hotspot the airport), waiting for other players. They have no desire to explore the world looking for supplies.

Just yesterday I bumped into a guy... we didn't shoot each other but stood for a sec sizing each other up... then he asked me for some ammo, so I was in the process of giving him some, when POW, some idiot up on the hill in the trees sniped the poor guy in the head... well I high-taled it into cover & disconnected. I didn't have the first clue where the dude was, but I was pissed that, here I was tryin to help a brother out and some lazy ***** lying on a hill, took him out. If he would have just come down & ask for supplies, I would have gladly gave him what he needed.

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I just think one thing. Some of you guys are mixing "DayZ MOD for ARMA II" with "ARMA II with zombies". with IMO is a big difference.

Want to show how good you are at shooting people and hide and seek game? go back to ARMA II,

I mean i'm not totally against PVP, and like i said it's one of the features who make this game. But i don't see what a raging bandit charging at everyone with whathever weapon he have has to be with a survivor game.

And in the End of the World, the "punishment" of being a bandit/killer is being himself. Problems with the fact of killing people, being always chased to lose your only life, almost always alone, getting isolate of society what leads for another problems.

Like i said, getting yourself killed by a random guy who charges at everyone, and most of time die is what break the immersion the most, right now.

Lately people don't think more if you are enemy or neutral. They just shoot at you since 40%of the server are bandits. I give you more 2 weeks for 80% servers by a bandit.

Sorry dude, one thing is always having a thread of someone coming at you by a bandit. other is shooting because probably he is, since is way easier.

I just like to remember you guys something. This mod IS one of the biggest idea ever. i mean i play alot of MMORPG and FPS and not other game, have ever come close of the immersion in this game. So yeah it's a hell of IDEA and until now, IMO, very well worked. But this don't mean this idea can't fail.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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I just think one thing. Some of you guys are mixing "DayZ MOD for ARMA II" with "ARMA II with zombies". with IMO is a big difference.

Want to show how good you are at shooting people and hide and seek game? go back to ARMA II' date='

I mean i'm not totally against PVP, and like i said it's one of the features who make this game. But i don't see what a raging bandit charging at everyone with whathever weapon he have has to be with a survivor game.

And in the End of the World, the "punishment" of being a bandit/killer is being himself. Problems with the fact of killing people, being always chased to lose your only life, almost always alone, getting isolate of society what leads for another problems.

Like i said, getting yourself killed by a random guy who charges at everyone, and most of time die is what break the immersion the most, right now.

Lately people don't think more if you are enemy or neutral. They just shoot at you since 40%of the server are bandits. I give you more 2 weeks for 80% servers by a bandit.

Sorry dude, one thing is always having a thread of someone coming at you by a bandit. other is shooting because probably he is, since is way easier.

I just like to remember you guys something. This mod IS one of the biggest idea ever. i mean i play alot of MMORPG and FPS and not other game, have ever come close of the immersion in this game. So yeah it's a hell of IDEA and until now, IMO, very well worked. But this don't mean this idea can't fail.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.



Bravo Divinorium... WELL SAID!! Many here don't seem to mind making other player experiences crap, but when it's done to them... they get their nose bent out of shape.

Bottom line is... I'm on my 7 character, and from my previous 6, I only died once from zombies, the rest where all from other idiot players. So, I figured out way to prolong my experience, while sticking it to the players that think they're still playin ArmA II.

Again Divinorium... my hats off to you Sir and if I see your name on a server I will surely have some goodies for you!


I don't think you know what the word "exploit" means. Please do us all (and yourself) a favour and realize this just isn't the mod for you.

The term is relative. You should take your own advice & go back to playing ArmA II, there you will not have to worry about zombies and have all the human players to kill, that you desire.

Oh btw.... if someone were to see that video for the first time, and knew nothing about DayZ, what impression would you think they'd get... they wouldn't even know it was a zombie survival game!

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It's not only a zombie survival game, get that, jesus. This isn't a PvE game, get that. There are more ways to play the game, GET THAT. There's other players in the game too and they have an option to kill you. This isn't L4D.

I don't even have to explore. I could just hunt people like you down all day and loot your bodies and feast on your beans.

And you know what? That's perfectly fine, because it is a feature.

And please, do check what the term exploit means.

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I've said this before elsewhere:

DayZ is not a Zombie Survival Game. It is a Post-Apocalyptic Survival Game, with Zombies.

PvP is a feature.

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I've said this before elsewhere:

DayZ is not a Zombie Survival Game. It is a Post-Apocalyptic Survival Game' date=' with Zombies.

PvP is a feature.


Well said!

But you clearly think Day Z is a ARMA II with zombies.

PvP IS,suposse, to be a feature not the main proposal.

The main proposal is Survive, easy and clean as that.

But right now The main proposal is PvP and the feature is survive. At least when i play, i'm more concerned about the PVP then about my water/food/ammo stock or others features.

I didn't have seen a single bandit who killed me because he was short on water. They just kill for the lols.

How i already said guys like that need to go back for ARMA II.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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Well said!

But you clearly think Day Z is a ARMA II with zombies.

PvP IS' date='suposse, to be a feature not the main proposal.

The main proposal is Survive, easy and clean as that.

But right now The main proposal is PvP and the feature is survive.


You make no fucking sense. The purpose is survival in a post apocalyptic world. There's zombies and there's players. You need to survive both. "Easy and clean as that".

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Well said!

But you clearly think Day Z is a ARMA II with zombies.

PvP IS' date='suposse, to be a feature not the main proposal.

The main proposal is Survive, easy and clean as that.

But right now The main proposal is PvP and the feature is survive.


You make no fucking sense. The purpose is survival in a post apocalyptic world. There's zombies and there's players. You need to survive both. "Easy and clean as that".

No dude. The thing is, BANDITS DONT GIVE A SHIT about surviving. All they want is to kill people since they have nothing to lose at all.

IMO for this game be "perfect" people need to respawn without nothing, maybe a knife to melee fight, and weapons need to be WAY HARDER to find and when i say that, i say for every player, not just bandits.

So people will think twich before engaging in a useless battle. But this is IMO and only that.

But right now people dont need to think 2 times before attack other players. if they kill they get a brand new gear to survive.

And idiots dont think twich before engaging a battle right after getting yourself killed. Some days ago i found a bandit, killed him, and after that we crossed path more 6 times, 6 times i killed him, with him pressing the trigger first but losing the battle because he just had a revolver while i was with a Assault rifle. So think this guys gives a fuck about surviving? HELL NO! all he wants is to kill.

And it's what i'm talking about, the main proposal in this game looks to be only PvP for most of the bandits. They don't give a shit about anything else. Not even for the chance he got in winning a PvP fight. And that's what is breaking the immersion of the game right now. These try hard guys who just want to play ARMA II with zombies.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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I wish that rocket would just post his intents with this mod as an important thread. I've seen him write that "being a bandit doesn't mean you play the mod wrong or bad".

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This is the SUGGESTIONS forum and the original post was one, like it or not. However it's devolved into yet another general PVP discussion thread so I'm closing it.

The general discussion section of these forums has a dedicated thread at the top of the page that everyone should read and then post, if there is still anything to add to it.

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