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Most Epic moment of DayZ career so far

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So me and my pal found a few satchel charges off of a duper, we were wonderin what to do with it and i said "what's the first thing you do after dying in Cherno?"

My friend grinned in our mutual understanding.

Needless to say we planted around 5 of them on his corpse and blew the switch when he came back for his duped shit.

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The one time when I crashed my helicopter... heh....

Oh wait, that wasn't one time.

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I had a M249 SAW with a full belt. My buddy and I were on a motorcycle heading to the industrial factory on the coast. When we got near, we heard 1911 shots at zombies. When we got a little closer, the 1911 fired at us. We turned around and drove the motorcycle up the hill. We got off at the top, intending to walk back down and off the little shit that shot at us. What happened instead was him and his five friends charged up the hill all at once and we ended up in tree to tree battle. My buddy got the first kill with a M14 before becoming critically wounded and unconscious. I then proceeded along the treeline flanking three guys in succession. I took them down before searching for more hostile contacts. One more nearly snuck up on me but I got him with only one hit taken. I was below 6k blood at this point when our third buddy showed up only armed with a double barrel shotgun. He was prone by a tree and blasted someone as they walked by. He took mortal wounds from someone shooting at him near me. I offed who I thought was the last guy and tried to save my friend but he bled out right as I got to him. It went quiet and I thought it was over so i began looting the bodies. Most of them were minimally armed, which explains why we did so well in a 3v6. After looting the last body I could find, I stood up and started to run for the motorcycle. The shots rang out when I was 15 meters from it and I went down hard. I don't know if the seventh man was even part of their original group, but he was the last man standing on that glorious day.

Edited by Erizid
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