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New interface for picking up loot and opening and closing doors.

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In the current interface, if you want to say open or close a door you have to scroll up or down which brings up a menu. I know this menu was never meant for a mod like DayZ, but though it may seem to somewhat suit the mod I disagree. We have all had our moments when we were looting the barracks and when we tried to close a door it brought up a menu with more than one door.

My idea is (Similar to the Half-Life interface) that if you decide to close a door you shouldn't have to bring up a menu via scrolling then pick a close door option, hoping that the one you picked was the door you wanted closed. So to simply put it instead of having to go through all that, why not have a door opening and closing button on your keyboard? All you should have to do is look at the door you want closed, press the 'use' button, and it opens/closes.

The other one is that, currently, if you want to pick up loot or an item you go into a crouching position, then holster your weapon, or depending on if you have a side arm out you point it in the air. THEN you can pick up gear, compared to other most other games, it shouldn't take that long to pick up an item.

There could be a looting system that you just hover your cross-hairs over your desired items and like the current interface where it gives you a quick pick up choice such as 'take M1014 Shotgun' even though there may be more loot on the ground. There should be a system where the item which your cross-hairs are hovering over glows or something to indicate that you want to pick it up, or some writing pops up indicating what the item is in case its one of those bags could contain random military loot but the Arma 2 Devs couldn't be bothered making models for them.

The only issue with these suggestions is that making these changes would possibly require a lot of time and coding and such. Or maybe it can't be changed at all, since you're editing an entire interface, pretty much creating a new game which would take heaps of time to code, possibly delay the standalone. But by some miracle it could be done, then that would be great, and something like this would make the game more attractive to new gamers.

It would also make life easier for new players to DayZ, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who agrees with this when I say that the current interface is somewhat clunky and easily confuses anyone new to Arma or DayZ.

Lastly, in case anyone was thinking this might turn DayZ into something too 'arcade' like, well if it makes the game easier, makes it look more attractive to people who have never played DayZ, I don't really see a downside towards it.

Edited by koze

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I love the way ArmaII works.

I don't hope i will have to click on my keyboard to interact with loots, doors, vehicles and such..

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