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Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

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Do we really need it? Sure the game is focused on realism, but sometimes it just isn't necessary

realistic game lover wants realistic game e.o

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Lol from a physics stand point, meaning its not going to throw you up against a wall

And I propose to test this theory as well.

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And I propose to test this theory as well.

Don't know if your trolling or trying to make this post make more sense e.o

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Alright, I understand a 9mm doesnt do shit to your body, but a .50 cal rifle will literally tear you in half. We need more gore. Limbs must be able to be torn off, heads explode, blood everywhere! A body shot to the torso with a high caliber rifle will not just make you crumple to the ground, the body's insides will either fly out behind it, or the whole person will be thrown back. Who's with me?

Body physics/Gore would add a bit more visceral punch to the game. I like it.

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A 9mm hollow point should be enough to split your head in half in close quarters.. So yeah, the head exploding should be considered, but it wont knock your head off or make it explode, more likely would leave a mush of flesh hanging from your neck. Blergh.

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As a game design student its hard to hear a lot of these suggestions. From a technical standpoint, it's difficult to just 'add' this type of damage to a game where there is no support for something like limb gibbing and super detailed gore. I'm sure the standalone will have more authentic violence, considering rocket mentioning how he wants the gore to be more important and telling in the world setting. Seeing heads blow up would be interesting too but like someone else said, Playing fallout and seeing a dudes head blow off ever time i kill them gets old really fast. If this damage was in the standalone I would hope to not see that level of violence frequently. I want to be horrified and scared, not desensitized.

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As a game design student its hard to hear a lot of these suggestions. From a technical standpoint, it's difficult to just 'add' this type of damage to a game where there is no support for something like limb gibbing and super detailed gore. I'm sure thee standalone will have more authentic violence, considering rocket mentioning how he wants the gore to be more important and telling in the world setting. Seeing heads blow up would be interesting too but like someone else said, Playing fallout and seeing a dudes head blow off ever time i kill them gets old really fast. If this damage was in the standalone I would hope to not see that level of violence frequently. I want to be horrified and scared, not desensitized.

Yo sir, have my beans.

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As a game design student its hard to hear a lot of these suggestions. From a technical standpoint, it's difficult to just 'add' this type of damage to a game where there is no support for something like limb gibbing and super detailed gore
I understand what you're saying here, but lack of support is irrelevant considering the team is re-writing the engine to suit their needs.

It's more a matter of whether they feel it's necessary and how long it would take to implement such features.

Horrifying violence aside, the aim of this effort should be to reach a certain level of authenticity.

Stepping away from the "game" and crafting the "anti-game". It's to be expected in ground-breaking avenue for "simulation" based around people eating eachother.

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OP should download SLX and then shoot someone with a fifty cal such as the Dshkm. Then come back to us about gore.

Personally i think SLX does gore perfectly. Only heavy weapons destroy people. People bleed realistically and blood leaves realistic trails.

Edited by Vindicator

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I have never seen a game which has done gore in such a way that it seems even a little realistic, it is always horribly overplayed and starts to get dull the 50th time you see the same head explosion animation.

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I want to see the zombies devour bodies. And I want to find the evidence of that around the world. Stripped corpses of players who have been killed and eaten by a mob of zeds. That would be gruesome. And spooky :x

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Rag-doll physics would be cool too so when you get hit by a car or shot by a 50 CAL you actually get knocked back.

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Rag-doll physics would be cool too so when you get hit by a car or shot by a 50 CAL you actually get knocked back.

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How do you suppose "bandaging" someone after they lose a leg? this would take away more than it would add.

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How do you suppose "bandaging" someone after they lose a leg? this would take away more than it would add.

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How do you suppose "bandaging" someone after they lose a leg? this would take away more than it would add.

How do you suppose you heal a broken leg with just morphine? How does one bandage repair multiple gunshot wounds? Your argument is invalid.

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How do you suppose "bandaging" someone after they lose a leg? this would take away more than it would add.

Apply a tourniquet, and besides, if you lose a leg in DayZ conditions you will die, first from bloodloss, then from infection, and then zombies will eat you.

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Everyone seems to be focused on .50 cal rifles in this thread. I think it's worth mentioning that a load of buckshot can also take off a limb, if hit in the right place.

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