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Looking for help/guides to modify private hive & Dayz

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I'm looking for people or tutorials/guides on how to change the server and client files to change basic stuff like loot placement for example.

My goal is to change the gameplay in a way that it will be more balanced and fun. But I dont know how achieve these yet, for example changing spawnpoints in the server.pbo didnt work.

The poor guineapig spawned in the debug flats.

This is a list of features I want to change or implement:

- change loot (military loot only at military locations - no DMR ammo lying around everywhere, less food, ..etc)

- change loot size (Tanktraps should take 6 slots or more)

- new spawnpoints on the north east coast near Berezino and somewhere in the mid west near Zelenogorsk and Sosnovka

- making Zelenogorsk a decent spawn area

- adding buildings like hospitals and office buildings to several cities

- change itemslots on vehicles and tents

- adding a new tent

- adding deployable camps / camonets for vehicles as a form of base of operations

- making it harder to snipe (more snipe sway, blowing up dust in the air when shooting big calibers, thx to Jaws4096)

- adding different ammotypes (if for example DMR ammo is found in residential areas, its different from military ammo, .308cal is quite common so it makes sense)

- adding vehicles (URAL with camo, Kamaz, Landrover, Humvee, Hilux variants, Mi17, CH47, Blackhawk, Littlebird ...etc [maybe through rMod?])

- maybe adding an Aircraft Carrier as spawnlocation for blackhawk off the east coast (big military loot location)

- making repair of aircraft harder especially CH47 (need to repair both engines with 2 engineparts? or maybe add turbineparts into loot table)

- more skins for survivors

- more female skins! (no ability to change clothes is very unfair)

- new crashsites (CH47, Mi17 - loot determined by type of wreck, russian wreck only russian weapons - us only us-weapons, makes sense?)

- transport vehicles with CH47

- remove some of the roadblocks except in the bigger cities (many are buggy and annoying!)

* the bold lines are the higher priority stuff I'd like to change

Its a lot, but I've seen some of the stuff already in other mods like SurviveDayZ (vehicle transport, different crashsites, fortifications, skins, ...)

I would welcome everyone who could tell me about how to change those things, and/or who might be willing to take part in this project.

... So long


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I'm also looking for some help with chaning spawn rates adding my own skins/weapons to my server!

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