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Hipax (DayZ)

Recruiting players 13+ for new DayZ group "B4L" [bandits 4 life]

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Looking to join a group?

You've come to the right place!

What I'm looking For/requirements:


You need to have a general understanding of dayz [how to cook/eat food,how to change mag types,how to drive,how to combine mags,etc.]

You must,I repeat,MUST be willing to kill others,and in some situations,even your own.

You can invite others, but they must send me an application via PM.

You must have Steam and teamspeak to join.

You MUST be serious,BUT you must also be able to take a joke.

you MUST be willing to lose gear,as death is inevitable in the banditry life style. By willing to lose I mean you don't get attached to it and start having a breakdown because you lost a 10+ day character or something.

Application [fill out and reply or PM me or contact me via steam to join]



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Edited by Hipax
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Jesus, how young can players get?

And also, a 13+ clan doesn't seem right, i can just imagine screaming over VOIP making huge things out of nothing...

Good luck with your clan!

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Im only 7, but im like REALLY mature, i dont scream in the mic, and when i listen to hannah montana i mute my mic so no worries, i really wanna join. I wanted to fill out that application but i dont know how to copy it, can anyone help me?

Edited by samirocks24

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Jesus, how young can players get?

And also, a 13+ clan doesn't seem right, i can just imagine screaming over VOIP making huge things out of nothing...

Good luck with your clan!

A valid argument,however, the only reason the clan is 13+ is because of my age being 13.

I've died left and right,which is the reason people are NOT allowed to be in if death is going to inclue them raging. They'll be banned quickly.

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Name: Todd Linnemeyer

Age: 13 and 10 months

IGN: Todd

Loacation: U.S.A., (ig location: east of cheranus

Timezone: Central TImezone

Steam: Jennings11

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Name: Callum Blue

Age: 15

In-game name NUFF

Location: Scotland

Timezone: GMT

Steam: nuffizm

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Well if you guys get a team together we need some good quality bandits to Tey hunt us down on our server. Think your man enough for the job?

Details in my sig guys. :)

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Name: Jason


In-game name AWP

Location: US

Timezone: EST (eastern)

Steam:[GHETTO] BrOkEr (neeno)

Edited by 666roach

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Thanks to all who have filled out the application! Sorry that I haven't been responding/playing,I've been busy over the weekend.

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Name: jameson oeffler


In-game name oeffler101

Location: Kentucky, USA

Timezone: EST

Steam: oeffler101

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Name: Spencer

Age: 14

In-game name Peee53

Location: Kansas

Timezone: Central Standard time

Steam: dranoc12

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Guest derpyshooves



In-game name derpyshooves

Location: Virginia

Timesone: EST

Steam: Hakase Shinonome

Please note I am neither a brony nor a weeaboo they are both from friends requests, and hard time with sixteen year old boys yelling at me for my voice being to high and how much of a nood I am because I killed them has really machured me and made me a better man (it's not like ALL the sixteen yearold boys were bad just most of them)

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Well if you guys get a team together we need some good quality bandits to Tey hunt us down on our server. Think your man enough for the job?

Details in my sig guys. :)

yeah dude ive been playing a little on the fogeyz server lately, i really like it. i killed 2 people the other day in a barn for a m14, DMR, bizon, and m249 lol

so i fit into the bandits :P

i really like the server btw, lots of helis to kill.

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Name: Peter G

Age: 14 (in a week)

In-game name Peter

Location: United States (NJ)

Timezone: EST

Steam: Peter4306

Edited by Peter4306

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Who says bandits die? I've had 80+ kills on a like 30 day character before

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