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I cant believe it really....

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watched the dayz video

became terribly excited

purchased arma2 combined operations

installed dayz mod

jumped onto best pinged server with my satellite internet

was to laggy so i went to create a localhost server to check it out......

came to forums to find out why in the eff cant i start this up on my lan


proceeded to rant

/slaps rocket with a large trout



all enthusiasm for dayz mod gone.....

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satellite internet

You only have yourself to blame for not researching the mod further before jumping the gun and buying in.

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How could you possibly slap rocket for providing you with this free content? If you go anywhere near him, I will unleash upon you tenfold the strength of a million suns

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I think you misunderstand me and my humor and my frustration.

a simple coop mission module would suffice all of us who simply want to have that oh so awesome "DAYZ experience" but dont have good internet...

there is another zombie coop map but its not the "DayZ experience"

i am greatful for the free content, sadly its going to complete waste on my computer

because i cant grab my brother and create a lan game..

just still cant believe it, in this day and age why oh why would you limit our experience, saying this is the only way to enjoy it, well i cant.. so why no offline mode!! aaaaaaaaahhhhh

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Get a hold of the politicians in your country and tell them to up your internet infrastructure, it's obviously lacking.

Bomb threats should hurry the matter.

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I think you misunderstand me and my humor and my frustration.

Unfortunately, the Internet is well know for it's ability to create misunderstandings. Especially if the text in question does not contain any context :)

See what I did there?

As for your current game experience, I'm sorry that you are unable to enjoy DayZ to its fullest extent. I'm sure satellite Internet is not the most 'game-friendly' service around, but if that is all you are able to get in your area, then I guess you have to put up with it.

Perhaps you should do some reading around the forums to see if others in your position are asking for an 'off-line' mode. If there is a Suggestions portion to these forums, you should make a plea in there. You never know your luck.

Further - even those of us with Carrier grade connections to the Internet suffer lag at times on the DayZ servers. Don't think you are totally alone out there.

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This game is meant to be played online, otherwise you lose out on a major part of it, you can't get mad at it because your internet is awful, you should be getting mad at the provider of your internet.

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How could you possibly slap rocket for providing you with this free content? If you go anywhere near him' date=' I will unleash upon you tenfold the strength of a million suns


you forgot to add the wet trout too! :P

Also, if you made an offline mode it would kinda be cheating.. cause then it opens up client side hacking and inventory modification..

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Go to BI forums, look under "user made Missions". There are TONS of other coop and single player mods. Lots of Zombie ones. Lots of even better ARMA2 ones.

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I have satellite internet as well and it's been a real bane, but until now, no game has looked good enough for me to waste time getting broadband, which has only recently become availabe where I live.

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i think your internet is not the problem.

i have a 128mbit line and more then often encounter tough lag, up to a point where pvp/groupplay becomes impossible.

its an alpha test, deal with it.

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How could you possibly slap rocket for providing you with this free content? If you go anywhere near him' date=' I will unleash upon you tenfold the strength of a million suns


its not free. arma2 costed monies! since no one wants to play arma2 they made a zombie mod that really isnt about the zombies. saled tactic called "BAIT AND SWITCH". its actually illegal, but i think the digitality of the product puts it in a grey area. basically its a shady business tactic.

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I think you misunderstand me and my humor and my frustration.

a simple coop mission module would suffice all of us who simply want to have that oh so awesome "DAYZ experience" but dont have good internet...

there is another zombie coop map but its not the "DayZ experience"

i am greatful for the free content' date=' sadly its going to complete waste on my computer

because i cant grab my brother and create a lan game..

just still cant believe it, in this day and age why oh why would you limit our experience, saying this is the only way to enjoy it, well i cant.. so why no offline mode!! aaaaaaaaahhhhh


DayZ works on a persistent character basis across all servers, this is achieved by having your character info, including map position, stored on a single master server which all the other servers have to connect to to load your character.

THink about that for a bit and you'd see why you cant have local LAN. I'm not saying LAN is impossible its just that it would take an entirely separate build which is completely unviable considering the main mod is only in alpha testing.

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