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UK Based | Veteran | GMT -4 | Circle Of Truth Gaming Community | HIVE Connected

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I'd like to advertise our new server which is being provided by Gaming Deluxe and managed by an online gaming community called The Circle Of Truth.

If you need a new DayZ home come stop by and give our server a go. The community manager has worked hard on the server and made sure we all get the best DayZ experience it has to offer, with over 2100 named and shamed banned ARMA/DayZ players we stride in offering our players a safe hacker free environment. We've also put a limit on the maximum ping you're allowed to have whilst on our server which is 150, this ensures the server runs at it's maximum potential with minimal to zero de-syncing.

If you'd like to give our server a go and maybe make it your new home feel free to give us a visit!

Filter for Circle Of Truth in the multiplayer perimeters to find us, if you have any questions feel free to let me know.


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Been tryin to find a UK server to play on while I live in Tasmania, I grew up in North West London. But its really hard to find a server that tolerates Aussie pings from UK :(

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to USA, west coast it's 120-140. Not sure what it is to UK though. I'll ave a look tonight after I watch the Westham v Sunderland match (go ya Irons!!) :)


Sadly I tried the server, an I get 300-350 ping's. Not good for anyone ......

Edited by Tassy

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I have been playing on your server for a few days and the ping is great, but last night it went down and still not up.

Any ideas when it will be back up and if we will have the same gear, Had as50 and L8 on my ATV, and worried it will have reset by the time it is back up and running

If not np still a very worthwhile server


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Hi Karniest

Server is back online, I noticed it was down just before you posted lol

Sorry for the interruption

By the way did you get your vehicle teleported by a group of hackers recently ?

Sorry to hear that Tassy thats really high id thought you'd get something similar to USA, we are in the process of making a Team speak server which should hopefully be up and running by tommorow morning

Edited by Panzerwurst

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hi ParagonXVIII and Panzerwurst

I'm just wondering if The Circle Of Truth has its own website.

I'm looking forward to join you on Teamspeak :)

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I have been playing on your server for a few days and the ping is great, but last night it went down and still not up.

Any ideas when it will be back up and if we will have the same gear, Had as50 and L8 on my ATV, and worried it will have reset by the time it is back up and running

If not np still a very worthwhile server


Could you tell us when the last time you had your ATV, some hackers came on a couple of weeks ago and teleported every single vehicle and I think the server instance reset, so if you acquired it in the last couple of days it would tell us that vehicles are spawning in correctly, cheers mate.

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Sorry for the delay, yes the vehicle was got the same night that the server crashed, and it was a fresh spawn up by the lake in the NE of the map, so they seem to be Ok.


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As promised here is the I.P for the teamspeak server

Circle Of Truth -

We are currently working on website at moment

Edited by Panzerwurst

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Hey guys I've been playing on your server for a few days now. But it doesn't seem to restart daily/weekly.

It's pretty laggy now. Got my Arma down to 2-10 fps.

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That's not the servers fault mate, that's your end. But we'll give it another restart later today so see if it solves your problem.

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That's not the servers fault mate, that's your end. But we'll give it another restart later today so see if it solves your problem.

Fixed framerate for me and my friends, thanks

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Been playing on your server for some days and wanted to contact you, but the TS doesnt seem to work. You guys still playing? Admin names dont seem to match the ones who post here.

Thx :)

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Hi Singe,

We're still active we've just got into playing planet side 2 :)

Teamspeak server is on that was my fault and iv'e ammended the admin names in the message of the day as it should only be myself & Paragon who have admin control

We have another server that we run the Wasteland mission on but i've been working on that server as the mission doesen't save player data. So i've set myself the project of trying to work with a database on that server

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Also been playing on your server (appears to be down as I write this) and three days ago I came accross a MH-6 'Little Bird' in a camp in a valley west of the NE AF. As I came within 500m of the camp (with a bus and a tent) the MH-6 without a pilot took off and flew away. Is this legit/possible?

[Edit] Also cannot connect to your TS server. Dayz Server has been down for a couple hours now. I'm stuck at Waiting for Host.

[Edit] Oh....now its showing 0/0 players. Is this server also history?

Edited by casualty

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Servers back up

Apologies for that, seems the server crashed,

Also i'll check the logs concerning the helicopter, any ideas what time you saw that

TS back up also

edit : Ok sorry guys serious problem the server being re-built, will update when server is back up

Edited by Panzerwurst

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OK thanks. I saw the heli around 1am on Saturday morning (15 Dec).

Edited by casualty

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Thanks PW but I tried searching for it in PW6 and no luck its not listed anymore. I tried putting the IP address in [

] and still no luck. Has the server changed IPA?

NVM found it on DayZ Commander. Cheers.

Edited by casualty

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That was my bus, tent and little bird :D

Moved my little bird because when I came back from helicopter crash search with the birdie everything was plundered, perhaps u saw me right in that moment? Not sure tho :)

Crashed it due to server going down yesterday tho, so it will respawn somewhere soonish.

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@ Singe, Oh right, took a few shots at you as you took off, couldn't see a pilot. Glad the Heli is legit because I own it now :D . Only place I've come accross ammo and medical box spawns (apart from Hospital) is heli crash sites.

@PW - as of 22.15 GMT the server is down again. :(

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