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My DayZ Adventure for the day.

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So I was playing Dayz Today and found a building with a stockpile of food, drinks, weapons, ammo, barb wire, and medical supplies.

Awesome! I took everything I need and then some guy was coming up the stairs and asked if anyone was there. I said "Yeah, I'm friendly."

At first I was going to let him live and all, but then he had an ALICE pack ,My current one was a Czech BackPack. I killed him for it, and got some other stuff out of it. His friend came like 2 minutes later, and asked if anyone was there. I responded with "Yeah, I'm friendly."

I was also going to kill him. Well... he said "No your not, you just killed my friend, we don't tolerate that on this server."

"Cya." and I logged off. I logged on 5 minutes later, and killed that guy. Then another guy says the same we don't tolerate that stuff. So what did I do? I took the barbwire and walled up the upstairs where their stash was. One of them thought they could server hop and kill me . I luckily turned around and saw him and capped him. Oh thanks, Another Item I didn't have.


I logged in and I instantly heard "Fuck you, you're getting hacked!!" And a bullet went right passed my head. I logged out

I then logged in 5 minutes later and there was a guy waiting with a gun to my head... I re spawned like 2 minutes away . So I hopped to another server, got in the building, logged into the original server and got every single item I had back. They didn't bother to hide my body. lololool. So I gained like 7000 blood out of it.

Edited by skinnydude

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If the pack you were currently using had twenty slots, then that means that you dropped your ALICE pack for another ALICE pack.

ALICE packs have twenty slots.

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Great, so you logged in and out multiple times to gain an advantage.

You're well sick, mate.

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If the pack you were currently using had twenty slots, then that means that you dropped your ALICE pack for another ALICE pack.

ALICE packs have twenty slots.

Whoops, my bad I had a Czech BackPack which has 16, and took his ALICE which is 20.

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If the pack you were currently using had twenty slots, then that means that you dropped your ALICE pack for another ALICE pack.

ALICE packs have twenty slots.

The logic is there

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I have no idea what to even think of this post. so ill just comment something completely irrelevant.


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Combat logging....

You're admitting to logging out to gain a advantage on killing someone?

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Dude seriously why fucking post this... You just think you are good from doing that and you combat log? DayZ is SURVIVAL not a combat logging fag.

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"* [NEW] New Combat System If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body."

Good luck adjusting bro.

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"* [NEW] New Combat System If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body."

Good luck adjusting bro.

I hope this is true. I really do.

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I hope this is true. I really do.

I've heard this too, I think it is true.

I don't play DayZ myself (Waiting for Standalone), but I've watched a lot of videos, and A LOT of people are going to be crying/winging about this, because they're too dependant on it. I think it's a great idea! :D

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You basically named everything that I hate about this game, combat logging, flat out murder (I'm not talking you killed people, idc about that but lying, saying that you're friendly and then shooting them over a pack w/ 4 more slots that you could find anywhere? That's douschebaggery at its best. So cheers for your game exploitations and your general assholeness. You're gonna have a lot of fun in the new version where shit like that will get you killed. I may kill and act like a bandit but I do it with a bit of honour. Not through lying and cheating.

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Ok guys.. calm down, this guy is obviously the best player in the world, don't hate on him because he's so awesome. Combat logging is the best way to fight! Especially if you lack the skills to fight a specific opponent, why not hop behind him and cap him. OP, you should be awarded, because that was amazing, great job avoiding conflict, it truly makes you the greatest player here ^_^ You are my Idol, You are now officially the king of bandits! The great thing about having no honor is that you don't have to answer to anyone, because they already expect you to cower out. Keep being awesome OP, don't stop the amazingness here, this is what the mod is about; Server hopping to get the drop on your opponents! /endsarcasm

If your going to be a spineless type of bandit, at least own up to the weakness, take your death like a man, eventually you will get better, and be able to fight. For now though I recommend getting some actual ability, and try to kill someone by skill. What's funny is I have no problems with the Hardcore "Keell errythang ohn siite!!!!" Bandits, nor the "Hey PVP is bad!" Survivors, but you are a special breed of coward that makes me laugh.

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