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The Stranger...

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When you watch videos and hear stories about robberies on survivors and bandits taking advantage of them, you learn to not trust anyone. Which is what got me into a sticky situation. I had been in Elektro for about 10 minutes now, yes I know a noobish move on my part, and scavaging was going well. I had stocked up on food, water, and bandaids. But not blood, the one thing I would need. I exited a building and accidently came close to a zombie, I didn't get hit but I did shoot him. I went directly back into the building and, unknowingly, was followed by another survivor. I ran up a flight of stairs and when I turned around...was scared by his appearance. So I fired my weapon. But he was equiped with an automatic weapon, so of course I lost the gunfight. He didn't kill me, he shot my legs and cripled me. Now my instincts and expiriences told me he's now going to kill me and take my stuff. But he didn't, instead he left me. So I was rendered defenceless, just waiting for my blood to run out or for a zombie to find me. Finally, when almost all my hope and blood was gone, the same stranger returned. I knew it was him because of the clothing and backpack combination. At this point my screen was all gray and blurry, so when he approached me I assumed he was just back for my stuff. Then, to my surprise, the shaking stopped, the color returned, and I could stand. The stranger left as soon as I realized what was going on. This stranger rescued me and saved my life. Even though I fired 1st he went out of his way to get that supplies. Even though I'd go on to die an hour later he allowed me to enjoy my game longer and keep the supplies I worked for. So don't assume the worst of people, there's good people out there. To the stranger who helped me...thank you.

Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts on here or on Twitter. (@WhiteKid4Sale)

While in Elektro I was struck by a zombie and use my bandaids...so I didn't have any when I was shot. (Just to clear up some confusion)

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For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution, and that they greet me with cries of hate.

...and beans. Lots of beans.

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I also helped a tranger, gave him my last badange only to doe from blood loss a few minutes later ;)

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He's the hero that DayZ deserves, but not the one it needs right now... and so we'll hunt him... because he can take it... because he's not a hero... he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a stranger...

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For everything to be consummated' date=' for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution, and that they greet me with cries of hate.

...and beans. Lots of beans.


Post of the day, monsieur Meursault

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I wrote a little story about my "stranger" experience in "dayz stories". I was solo observing the NE AF at night, just watching ppl move about. They were sneaky, but one accidentally had a hopper after him.

I was ~700m out with my DMR and NVGs, and took aim with one shot at the zombie. My reasoning was that it would be safer for them (who i didnt know), if I took the shot rather than them aggroing the area. The zombie died and they moved out alive and well.

They could have been in a bad situation if I felt like shootin at them, but, I didnt need anything from them. It was interesting listening to my inner monologue and decision making while I observed them for 15-20 minutes... what an amazing game.

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Agreed' date=' it's bad enough there's zombies! We should all work together.


if/when zombies become a threat I'm sure more people will work together.

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Thanks for over 1000 views! I know there's PLENTY of more threads with more views but I love that some of you guys are enjoying my expirience!

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