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Colten (DayZ)

Do not play on Marijuana Militia's Takistan server (Vilayer)

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They banned me cause i found a chopper they need to be shut down

you came in at the same exact time as somebody who was spawning items and tanks,if you got caught in a ban then by all means you are more than welcome to come on teamspeak and we will try to clear that up for you.sorry if there was a mix up,it was a crazy moment on the server right then.

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Regardless of how much of a ahole he is/was you don't ban the server owner. You deserve the ban. You should have just left when he began acting lime a 12 year old.

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you know when you are doing a good job?when you piss crappy people and hackers off.the server stats and the hundreds of regulars will tell you their own side of the story.i get bushwhacked everyday by hackers simply because i run a tight ship,and that is a good thing!they dont like me because i dont put up with their crap.i get shit talked constantly by those who would grief,hackusate on my regulars etc. hell yeah these guys dont like me and want me gone,as they then could just go and do and say whatever the hell they wanted unfettered.im sorry someone has said no to you and that its such a shock.i cant help it.its who i am,i stick up for myself and what i believe.by all means if what these guys resonates to your "sensibilities" and playstyle,fuck me ,stay out of our server.thanks to those of you who do support us and play everyday!

@ Colten im pretty sure im still locked out of my second server as you banned me, you know from the service i pay for.that i trusted you to help with,only after you BEGGED me to give you the admins.which i begrudgingly did after three days of you bugging me and me trying to dissuade you from.FOUR FUCKING DAYS LATER you ban me and other admins from our own server.you are in fact the fucker i thought you were and are still proving to be.if standing up to beligerant sub admins is abusive,yep i am.and re read the note i sent you bro,you are getting the message.and come on that shit was funny,flying fuck at a rolling donut...hahahahahahaah

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kk I will add my post here

These guys are real scum banning me and my mate for no reason. we had a chopper were flying it about and boom got banned. they need to be shut down for this


Here is the live server link


i tried to address this on another post,and if you would try to contact us directly and not here,we actually would try to work with you.but instead coming here and shit talking us gets you no where.must be more concerned with trying to fuck us over than getting unbanned i would say.

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never mind that we do actually bust our butts trying to keep the server free from hackers and griefers.when these guys are playing on our server and enjoying the benefits of those services we never hear from these guys.its not until i bruise their fragile egos do we have all these horror stories.no long winded posts when i give them admins and trust them with my name and business,only to hear stories of this guy banned me for no reason at all,right Colten. because you were banning folks for your own reasons,power tripping the fuck out and thats why i got rid of you.and now you cant face your own behavior.always somebody elses fault im sure.you are just a poor innocent baby,no sin.i need to go smoke some weed,these mother fuckers stress me the fuck out with all this nonsense.

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Hey all Yeah these guys need to be banned from dayz they banned me an my friend for flying a chopper ? whats up with that!

like we sit around and ban for folks flying choppers.you do realize that there are typically 5-8 choppers on the server at once?who was your friend that was on at the time?do you also realize that there was a hacker on the server at the time,spawning items in?have you tried to contact us at all regarding the ban/kick? oh only come here and shit talk.i see.so wee need to be banned from dayz because we are actively trying to keep our servers clean and free of the RAMPANT HACKING?i will freely admit sometimes the logs are misread or we jump the gun as to who is running twith the hackes at the time or who just got a a ride from him.im not trying to ban everybody who i dont agree with or like.just those folks who would see that the server is interrupted or disturbed.try talking to us instead of bitching here,grow some balls and use your brains if you care at all.

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Colten, thx for informing.

I'll tell everyone I know not to play on the said server. Abusive admins are the worst thing in gaming community.

i would say if thats how you feel you certainly wouldnt have liked playing when Colten or Netloc as he goes by in game,had admins on our server.i caught him in the logs repeatedly shit talking and abusing his admins,all through the rcon!my regulars were starting to ask me why i was so grumpy lately,more than usual,lol! why? because it was Netloc power tripping out in the rcon.it took him a total of four days before he was telling me how to run my server and that what i was reading in the logs (he doesnt have the privilege or rights)to read was wrongand banned me from my own server.you are correct,he was an abusive and terrible admin.but hes gone and you can come back if you ready to have fun!

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Hello there

We are keeping a very close eye on this one.



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@ Colten,you are still holding on to the fact that you fucked up your admins,and we got rid of you for admin abuse.and not thae fact that i did check the logs,but oh well what ever makes your story that much sadder and pathetic.i have 8 other admins with none of the same problems.maybe its your power tripping attitude.nobody ever asked if you need to agree with the server owner on his decision,you dont pay for fuck all.actually quite the opposite.you use my facilities and my good name so you could lord over other player.when i call you out on it,here you are STILL CRYING ABOUT IT.......and we are so glad your annoying hater ,lying ass is gone off teamspeak......

all and all the fact that we are so popular and that there is hate,is a good sign.we are doing our jobs,keeping you tards at bay.glad you wont be playing here any more.


First and foremost, I am very curious as to what you mean by my power tripping attitude. You keep making mention of it, however you fail to address the actual details every single time. The only thing that I can possibly think of is the instance wherein I banned the guy because.several people in TeamSpeak were telling me he was mentioned amongst a group of purported hackers. That was the only time. You are the fellow with the authoritarian fascist attitude who completely rids of anybody who questions his motives.

Secondly, if you would be so kind in addressing the many times that I addressed the appeals of other users in the chat, and tried to help them find the correct version so they could actually play on the server, that would be great, too.

Like I said, if I do not agree with what you are doing, you will hear about it. You should be more of an adult instead of acting like a child who has powers that are too much for him to handle...

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i would say if thats how you feel you certainly wouldnt have liked playing when Colten or Netloc as he goes by in game,had admins on our server.i caught him in the logs repeatedly shit talking and abusing his admins,all through the rcon!my regulars were starting to ask me why i was so grumpy lately,more than usual,lol! why? because it was Netloc power tripping out in the rcon.it took him a total of four days before he was telling me how to run my server and that what i was reading in the logs (he doesnt have the privilege or rights)to read was wrongand banned me from my own server.you are correct,he was an abusive and terrible admin.but hes gone and you can come back if you ready to have fun!

More lies... Really? Abusing my admins? How, exactly, was I abusing my admins? You fail to explain your position every single time. The ONLY TIME that an action of mine was questionable was simply when I banned a user because others in TeamSpeak were claiming he was a hacker that was involved with other hackers on a previous day. In fact, his name was "Rumple Foreskin" (lol), and I called you in to correct the issue.

Also, there were numerous times when I asked you and the other admins to show me what to look for in the logs in order to be able to find hackers/dupers, but none of you wanted to take the time out to help me... so I only ever went ahead and banned combat loggers (which is what you told me to do), and only ever banned ONE purported hacker because of what others were claiming in the TeamSpeak.

Abusing the admin would be banning players for no reason, kicking players from the server for no reason... using my admin powers in chat (such as the global admin feature) to con other players into coming to an area so I could kill them. I did none of these things - all of my actions were justified. What you did is considered admin abuse, as you banned me for an illegitimate reason...

Honestly, Dave, this reminds me of campaign bravado. You are attempting to portray me as the evil-doer, and you as the white knight who went ahead and rid the server of the evil-doer. :-\

Edited by Colten

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hello there

its obvious you chaps are bumping heads, so why not just move on to other servers? Bickering here just makes you all look a little petulant

why not resolve this over PM etc?



i love that word ...

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any of these issues could be simply resolved if you would come on our teamspeak or forums.i have done my best here to see that we can get past this.come talk to me on teamspeak (xmmx.ts.nfoservers.com pass is 23 ) if its so important for you to come here and bash all of my work.i love my server and community,and i will do what it takes to keep it fun and safe!

@colten/netloc/numbloc i have SIX admins right now aside from myself,and they have had these admins for weeks.if i got rid of everybody that i didnt agree with nobody would play there,lol.the idea that thats what i do, yet run the most active and popular Takistan server in the world proves otherwise!

i dont owe you a thing buddy,keep on trolling.you know what and why you got the boot for.im sure everywhere you go in your daily life you hear it.you are obnoxious ,loud and annoying.not to mention belligerent and aggressive,as your posts all over the forums have proven.you are more concerned with trashing me and my reputation than working this out.plain and simple.the childish part here ,the power trip here is you trying repeatedly to destroy my server,because you cant play there on your own terms,its sad really.

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You need to find another group to troll. Move on, all the other players that populate our server day after day won't miss you.

First and foremost, I am very curious as to what... BLAH BLAH BLAH

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@colten/netloc/numbloc i have SIX admins right now aside from myself,and they have had these admins for weeks.if i got rid of everybody that i didnt agree with nobody would play there,lol.the idea that thats what i do, yet run the most active and popular Takistan server in the world proves otherwise!

i dont owe you a thing buddy,keep on trolling.you know what and why you got the boot for.im sure everywhere you go in your daily life you hear it.you are obnoxious ,loud and annoying.not to mention belligerent and aggressive,as your posts all over the forums have proven.you are more concerned with trashing me and my reputation than working this out.plain and simple.the childish part here ,the power trip here is you trying repeatedly to destroy my server,because you cant play there on your own terms,its sad really.

I am more concerned with getting your server removed, as it is run by an individual who simply can't run it properly. And the only people that play on your server are those who kiss your ass repeatedly, not those who do not agree with how some of the things are done. I have witnessed you ban people simply because of how they said something, or because you thought they were associated with somebody suspicious - not based on actual evidence that would substantiate your position. Everything is fine and dandy with a regular until they say something that you do not agree with/do not like, then they are banned.

Secondly, as for my volume/level of obnoxiousness, I could understand possibly being banned/muted from TeamSpeak, but I fail to see how it would warrant a server ban. The only time that I ever really disagreed with you was when you banned that fellow for looking shady. Or, perhaps... you know, asking me to turn the volume on my microphone down? Politely? Not just banning me? It IS a sensitive microphone... But no, you take the juvenile approach and just ban them instead of speaking to them like an adult.

Thirdly, what it seems like to me is that you did not like being told that you were doing something wrong by a person who was only in the community for two weeks. Why else would you ban somebody from the server/TS immediately after saying, "If you don't like how things are done, then shut the fuck up and get the fuck out" if the ban was not for the simple fact that I disagreed with you?

Edited by Colten

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To everyone, except netloc/colten/trolls

What everyone should realize by now is that Kajsh/Netloc/Colten are all basically the same person. He suffers from some sort of sociopatheic disorder which gives him pleasure at griefing others.

His favorite strategy involved preying on bambies and "good" players in dayz by asking for medical assistance, and then killing those who dare to give it.

During my gameply with him he was a constant nuisance, who consistently managed to break/lose every vehicle I managed to fix up (which often can take hrs). As an experienced player I was willing to forgive his nonsense at first.

But soon it become apparent that he was delibritely breaking my shit, usually by disconnecting during flight. Since he's been gone, all my secret shit hasn't been looted, and my vehicles last a lot longer. My gameplay and those around me in this community has improved 10x with his ban.

I support the admins decision, and welcome more bans that get rid of users that are plagues on good gameplay.

It makes me sad that colten continues this nonsense through these forums when he can no longer perform his routine on us at the server, though I'm not surprised.

The MMX server is a great server to play on. I would encourage all of you to try it out.

It's the only Takistan server with constant admin presence and a no tolerance polciy of hacks/dupes/douchebaggery.

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LOL Look at this obvious troll Colten.

How many accounts does this guy have. Anyone who supports a user for banning a FUCKING SERVER OWNER should be globally banned for being the biggest dumbass in existence.

Fuck you Colten and all your dumb pseudonyms and your two scripting friends.

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from a private message from Colten/Netloc this morning "Also, I do not care about the ban at all, if that's what you're wondering; in fact, I deleted DayZ/Arma II until the standalone.

Secondly, I find the fact that you're still locked out of your other server to be hilarious. Perhaps you will learn to adhere to constructive criticism in the future. :)"

Edited by damnitDave
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To everyone, except netloc/colten/trolls

What everyone should realize by now is that Kajsh/Netloc/Colten are all basically the same person. He suffers from some sort of sociopatheic disorder which gives him pleasure at griefing others.

His favorite strategy involved preying on bambies and "good" players in dayz by asking for medical assistance, and then killing those who dare to give it.

During my gameply with him he was a constant nuisance, who consistently managed to break/lose every vehicle I managed to fix up (which often can take hrs). As an experienced player I was willing to forgive his nonsense at first.

But soon it become apparent that he was delibritely breaking my shit, usually by disconnecting during flight. Since he's been gone, all my secret shit hasn't been looted, and my vehicles last a lot longer. My gameplay and those around me in this community has improved 10x with his ban.

I support the admins decision, and welcome more bans that get rid of users that are plagues on good gameplay.

It makes me sad that colten continues this nonsense through these forums when he can no longer perform his routine on us at the server, though I'm not surprised.

The MMX server is a great server to play on. I would encourage all of you to try it out.

It's the only Takistan server with constant admin presence and a no tolerance polciy of hacks/dupes/douchebaggery.

I do not even know who Kajsh is.

My Internet connection was actually remedied via a technical support worker coming out and changing the old wiring in my house, hence the constant disconnections.

The MM is not a great server whatsoever, and that is evident as a result of others who have come in here complaining about being unjustifiably banned.

Also, why should I be held accountable for the stupidity of others? They are the ones who make the trek to my "location"... I do not make them do anything. I simply used conning strategies in order to get loot/food/med supplies. That is what I call excellent banditry, if I do say so myself. I have killed six people in the span of two hours because of those tactics.

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its easy to come into teamspeak and explain yourself, the admins in teamspeak are very reasonable people

netloc/colten used to love playing on the marijuana militia server.. he contributed nothing except trolling newbies.

he'd actually seek out people needing help and kill them.. also vice versa.

now that he's uninstalled dayz he has to find a new thing to troll.

have you considered seeing a conselor netloc? get yourself some help dude, this is pathetic.


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you got me,all i do is ban fools all day long.nothing but.i quit my job so i could rent a server and sit here all day and belittle folks and harass them.hell thats why i have run servers for years.and have the reputation i do.you got me!busted!all the live long day just banning dudes.shit i may go ban myself and my dog!

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repost from another thread he's replying in:

ts easy to come into teamspeak and explain yourself, the admins in teamspeak are very reasonable people

netloc/colten used to love playing on the marijuana militia server.. he contributed nothing except trolling newbies.

he'd actually seek out people needing help and kill them.. also vice versa.

now that he's uninstalled dayz he has to find a new thing to troll.

have you considered seeing a conselor netloc? get yourself some help dude, this is pathetic.


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All I see are excuses. Typical for someone of your maturity level.

When you grow up, you can buy you're own server. You can even call it "Netlocs Douchebag Paradise".

I don't really give a shit about your strategy, but it does give some perspective on your motivations. Which is all I was trying to convey. It's not that I dislike your strategy or gameplay.

Until that point, don't ban server admins, for ANY reason. Denying someone a service they paid for is fucking theft. YOU Should be globally banned by IP.

Any input ORLOK?

In the meantime, I'm done with this dayz drama. Enjoy your day all, and I'll see you in xMMx Takistan and other well admined servers.

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