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Looking for a semi-decent group.

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Hey guys, Looking for a fresh group of guys to play with my previous has simply dwindled down to two of us fully geared sniping newbies. Well, it's gottin old I can play any map and most servers and would like atleast I don't know.... 4-6 more people to play with? I have skype and teamspeak preferably skype though. I usually shoot first ask questions later so if that's not your thing sorry xD

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Add me zdzy12 we have 3 guys and we are looking for that last one

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if you are looking for a ready made group/clan http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/104037-rzm-recruitment-australian/ - we are fairly small group, we mainly play on cherno and we are getting a server soon and donations towards it would be grateful

^^^ Not spam Btw just posting everywhere cuz i need more peeps

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